25 Goals For Second Semester | The Odyssey Online
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25 Goals For Second Semester

Strive for greatness

25 Goals For Second Semester
Underground Success

The second semester of school is in full swing, and at this point most of us look for ways to improve our lives, while working on our mistakes. With the long haul of school ahead of us, it's time to set some goals to keep us on track and filled with happiness:

1. Focus on schoolwork

You came to college to better yourself for the future. So instead of sitting on your ass complaining about your life all the time, that's exactly what you should do. Be on top of your homework, study for tests more often, form a study group, and/or go to professors for help. If you put your mind to it, you can come out on top.

2. Reach out to people more often

Send a quick text every now and then checking up on people. Ask them to go to the dining hall or to go out. Don't be afraid to make the first move in any relationship, whether it be with friends or love interests. Show you want to hang out with them more, and it just might happen. Give people a chance and you can form some of the greatest friendships you'll ever have.

3. Eat healthier

Switch that bag of chips for some carrot sticks, replace those fries with a side salad. Drink water as much as you can to. If you put your mind to it and go for what's better for you and your body, you'll find yourself much happier. That's not to say you need to avoid everything with sugar and carbs. Have that dessert, indulge in some popcorn, don't be ashamed of it. Just don't overdo it.

7. Stress less

You're obviously trying you're best to succeed invert aspect of your life -- your classes, your social life, the clubs you've joined, your diet, etc. But making mistakes and not being perfect is okay! Don't worry about that one paper you didn't do well on or the that extra slice of pizza you don't think you should've had. Go with the flow, and let yourself be happy and enjoy things.

8. Have fun

College isn't just about going to classes, becoming an independent person, and finding yourself. It's also about having the time of your life. Don't just sit in your dorm all day -- go out, explore, make friends, go on adventures. These are supposed to be the best four years of your life, so go out there and make the most of it.

9. Go to the gym more often

Exercise is an important aspect of life. It can also be a huge burden. But if you make a schedule, keep to it, and really work towards your goal. You'll soon find that it becomes less of a chore and more of a hobby. Not to mention how amazing you'll feel when reach that goal you've been setting for years.

10. Make new friends

Sticking to the same people and hanging out with them all the time is great. Don't ever stop doing that. But every once and awhile, go out with someone new, say hi to people you see around a lot, invite different people over. You never know what kind of friendship you'll have with a person until you try.

11. Join a club or organization

There are so many opportunities to join things, meet new people, develop skills, and explore your hobbies. So go out there and find something that let's you do all of the above. Try out for that club sport, rush a fraternity/sorority, write for the newspaper, expand your religious endeavors, or even join a dance team. The options are endless and there are so many amazing things you can get out of the experience.

12. Focus on yourself

This is the time of your life where you're figuring out who you are, and what you want to do. Take all of the time needed to do that. Don't sacrifice you're own well being for the benefit of someone else. Make sure you're doing things you want to do and that you're surrounding yourself with people who understand that and support you.

13. Read a few good books

Yes, Netflix is great -- everyone knows that. But sometimes, you need to take a step back from technology and put your time into something else. Instead of binge watching show after show, read a new series instead. Do your brain a favor and give it a rest from screens.

14. Go to class everyday -- NO SKIPPING

You may find yourself in situations where you're tired, hungover, stressed, or just plain sick of school. But none of those are excuses to give up on your education. So instead of skipping class, drag your ass out of bed and make a mental note to prevent yourself from feeling like that again. You'll be happy you did it later on.

15. Go out and do things off campus more often

Dorm and campus life can get boring. You're surrounded by the same people, same scenery, same things to do, etc. So once and awhile go somewhere new. Hop on a bus and explore different areas of your community. Catch a movie, try a new restaurant, take a walk in the park. You'll find yourself refreshed by the new experience.

16. Get a job

Work ethic is an important factor in life. So is making money. Why not start now? Go out there, find a job, get to work. Your bank account and future working self will thank you. Not only will you learn to work with people, technology, food, or whatever else your job specializes in, but you'll also have that extra cash to splurge with every now and then.

17. Call home more often

You were probably super excited to leave home and all your parents rules and regulations. And now that you're starting your own life, they're losing a huge part of theirs. So pick up the phone more often, say hi, catch up, make plans to visit for a weekend. Your family are some of the most important people in your life -- never forget that.

18. Be more aware of current events

Keeping up with the world around you can be easy in some ways, and hard in others. You probably always click articles that pop up on Facebook or BuzzFeed to keep yourself informed, but when's the last time you read the paper or looked into a particular topic? The world around you is changing everyday for better or for worse, and that's something you should be aware of.

19. Figure out where life is headed

Having fun and spending time doing things you like is important, but so is figuring out your future. Where you want to live, what job you want to have, where else you want to study, what people you want to surround yourself with. You may have a lot of time for this, and you may not, but the sooner you figure it out the more relieved and you'll feel and the closer you'll be to starting it.

20. Clean more and stay organized

Chores are a burden. Whether it's laundry, dusting, or going through that pile of clothes on your desk. But if you keep up with it and get it done when it needs to be done, you'll find it to be less annoying and less of a pain in the ass. And you won't walk into your dorm everyday with a list of shit to do stressing you out all the time.

21. Raise GPA

Back to education being priority, aiming for better grades is always a good goal. Always strive to do your best in every class and aim for greatness. It's going to take a lot of time and effort, but if you really apply yourself you can do it. That being said, don't beat yourself up over subpar tests and essays as long as you really tried your best, you have nothing to be ashamed of.

22. Participate

Participation is something you should do in all aspects of your life. Raise your hand in class more often, go to school events with your friends, and/or strive for greatness in any club or activity you're a part of. The more you participate, the more well-rounded your life will be, and the more experiences you'll have.

23. Get a good amount of sleep

No matter if you're downtown at a party or binge-watching on Netflix in bed, you should always try to get a solid amount of shut eye. Important for your health and well-being, sleep can be highly underrated. You also don't want to find yourself falling asleep in class, or skipping due to tiredness.

24. Dress for success

People say nobody cares what you wear in college, which in some instances is probably true. But that doesn't mean you should walk around in sweats all the time. Play with your style, try something new, break out your favorites. When you look good, you feel good, so have your A-game strong wherever you go.

25. Be happy

Probably the most important goal on here, happiness is the key to a good life. Do things you want to do, explore your interests, laugh more and more each day. Let loose enjoy everything life has to offer and trust that everything will work out okay because in the end you're what matters most.

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