23 Urban Dictionary Words That Are Funny AF In Real Conversation
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23 Urban Dictionary Words That Are Funny AF In Real Conversation

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23 Urban Dictionary Words That Are Funny AF In Real Conversation

We all know about the good 'ole Urban Dictionary and its reputation for having a wide, and I mean WIDE, array of words and definitions. Whether they're absurd or not, most of the definitions it provides are surprisingly pretty accurate as well... and more importantly, entertaining.

Here are 23 terms you just might want to add to your vocabulary.

1. Conversation walling

When you're trying to make a conversation with a girl/guy you met recently, either A) online B) via text message or C) in person, and she/he responds to any of your questions with blank stares, one word text messages using the words: oh, cool, or nice, or nothing at all until you have to try to change the subject.

2. Smartphone Dead Leg

The loss of feeling in the legs due to prolonged smartphone use whilst sitting down, in particular on the toilet.

3. Trump Bump

The painful knot on your forehead that develops from repeatedly banging your head against the wall out of frustration, disbelief and/or abject horror at Trump's inability to form complete thoughts & sentences, tell the truth, treat people with respect, etc etc etc. (Basically anything he does)

4. Scheissegeist

From the German words for "shit" + "ghost" (scheisse + geist): the smell left over in the bathroom.

5. Yeah, but still

The worst way to win an argument, used when one has been proven wrong but somehow is able to reject all arguments and win.

6. Binge-sleep

Sleep for hours and hours in advance for coming days.

7. Pupper necking

The act of slowing down traffic to look at a cute dog.

8. Typeractivity

Overuse of personal devices especially in regard to texting.

9. Thirst Responder

Dudes that start hitting on a girl immediately after she becomes single.

10. Cynically Optimistic

Somebody who acknowledges the fact that humanity is crap but also believes in its capacity to do good.

11. Pretendergy

Pretendergy; "Pretending to have energy" Running on fumes from staying up all night, And pretending it didn't happen the next day at a family dinner.

12. Emergency bacon

This is bacon which is hidden from normal usage such that, in the event of a bad day, a party, or a zombie apocalypse, it is readily available to save the day and improve morale. Usually, this is kept in a separate freezer apart from the one in your kitchen. It can also be hidden in the main freezer using grocery bags, or by hiding down at the bottom where it is hard to reach. The end goal is that the bacon is hidden and forgotten from normal usage but, when you really need it, you remember it is there and can still have bacon.

13. Birth my food baby

Taking a shit.

14. Stepdad Bod

A guy who allowed the passing of time to ravage his once great physique but eventually decided to lay off the beers and do a little bit of lifting to attract Cougars like your mom.

15. Thought itch

It's a thought that is on the tip of your tongue but can't remember it.

16. Hirp

A Hiccup burp.

17. A small loan

A million dollars.

18. Burp snarf

Is to burp then sneeze then fart at the same time

19. Trumpmosphere

Releasing negative and or toxic energy into the open

20. Backup bestie

A person's second friend; Your second bestie; the second person you want to spend time with most; BBFF.

21. Dinner Sweatsfood

When you hold in a poop at the dinner table so long that you start to sweat.

22. Rectangle time

The time of day when people in an obviously social setting instead choose to pull out their smartphones and have some time alone with their "rectangle". The term can also apply to other electronics, such as computers, iPads, etc.

23. Napstipated

When you really need to nap but can't.

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