I had been a little taller than average my whole life, but then I hit my growth spurt at 11 and grew about eight inches in the span of a year. It was exciting to be able to look the boys in my class in the eye, but then, when they didn't catch up with me, I realized I was abnormally tall. I still am abnormally tall. And that's OK. There's good and there's bad, but mostly it's just a long, funny ride. Here's the good, the bad and the ugly to being a tall girl.
The Good
1. Being able to reach everything
It's pretty great to never need a ladder.
2. Being asked if you're a model
"Oh, stop it. You're too kind."
3. Being able to see everything at a concert
I didn't realize how great this one is until I went to my first real concert—Twenty One Pilots. Being able to clearly see all the action on stage made the experience even greater than I'd anticipated.
4. Being able to stare down shorter people who are trying to be intimidating
I don't do this very often, but when it has been called for, it has come quite in handy. Bullies and politicians are much less powerful when you can easily look over their heads.
5. Having a long stride
I don't know how shorter people get from one side of campus to the other in time for class without sprinting. Sometimes, even with my lengthy stride, it's difficult. There have been many a class that I would have been late for had I not been able to walk as fast as I can.
6. Giraffes are your spirit animal
I relate to giraffes hardcore. Enough said.
The Bad:
7. Constantly getting asked if you play basketball or volleyball
Or any sport that requires coordination, really. Being tall might be a desirable characteristic for many athletes, but it certainly doesn't make me athletic. I'm probably one of the clumsiest people you'll ever meet, but what I lack in coordination, I make up for in goofiness.
8. Tripping over your own gangly limbs
This goes along with the whole coordination thing. Sometimes I just forget how far my arms or legs go and end up on the floor in a pile of limbs, or I catch myself by flailing around for a few seconds. Being so far from the ground only contributes to my lack of balance, but it's no big deal—I can safely carry fragile things if I really concentrate.
9. Hugging short(er) people
Boobs in their face, every time, without fail.
10. Never being able to find pants that are long enough
Hey, I get it. Manufacturers have to make clothes that fit most of the population. That being said, I do need to wear pants at least most of the time in order to be deemed socially acceptable, so it would be nice to find some somewhere that are long enough.
11. ...Or shirts
I love how crop tops are becoming a thing now. Please, let's make shirts even shorter than necessary and see how long it takes before it just looks like a fancy collar.
12. ...Or any clothes really
Dresses are shirts. Modest skirts are miniskirts. Rompers are just wedgie-makers. You see, it's not just my legs that are long. It's my everything—my arms, my torso, my neck, my feet. My hands are pretty average, though, so I guess I can buy some gloves.
13. Getting cut off in pictures
In order to avoid this, I've mastered what I like to call a halfway sorority squat. It makes me look moderately tall, but I'm no longer a head above everyone else.
14. Always being asked to sit in the back
Just because I'm tall doesn't mean I have above average hearing or eyesight.
15. Shaving
There's so much more leg to cover, and it's so much further away.
16. Not being able to comfortably take baths
I had dreams as a child of having a gigantic bathtub in my house in order to fit all my toys. Now I want one so I can fit all my legs.
The Ugly:
17. Having to squeeze into a two-door car
Very few of them were made to accommodate humans with legs, let alone legs in size extra-long.
18. Having to sit in the backseat. Period.
I have mastered the art of calling shotgun before everyone else.
19. Airplanes
I love overseas travel as much as the next person, but I can't say I enjoy sitting behind someone who doesn't seem to realize that my knees hit their seat even before they put it back.
20. Showers being too short
Would it hurt anyone if they were just a little higher?
21. Ceilings being too short
This one doesn't happen too often, but every once in a while, if I go for an over-the-head stretch, I'll be rudely interrupted by the ceiling.
22. Boys being too short
Personally, I see nothing wrong with dating someone shorter than me (looking at you, love), but it's definitely not something other people expect, which gets annoying at times. You love who you love, no matter what you or they may look like.
23. Everything being too short
Let's face it, tall girls: This world was not made for us. A lot of the products our shorter counterparts find easy to use, we don't, but that's OK. Embrace it. Find a way around it. And remember: The one thing that isn't too short is you. You're just right.