It’s "Bachelorette" season! Get ready for tears, hot men, cheesy dates, and most of all, jacuzzi’s. After getting her heart broken by Lyin’ Ben, JoJo Fletcher is returning to the Bachelor mansion in search of a ring in "The Bachlorette."
After a day of stalking researching the 26 men vying for JoJo’s heart, here is everything you should know about them!
Alex, 25
Alex currently serves in the Marines and let’s be honest, that’s incredibly swoon-worthy. He’s an all-around guy who describes himself as being laid back, self-motivated, and even saved someone from a burning car. He also has a twin brother, which realistically is sort of a buy one, get one free deal for JoJo.
Insta: alexander_yq
Ali, 27
Ali is a bartender from California who describes himself as a party-starter with a laid-back attitude. To him, marriage means a “partnership in life, with limitless love and passion.” Plus, he surfs, plays the piano, and owns the most adorable dog named Hudson! Swoon.
Insta: Aliwantsaredonuts
Brandon, 28
With an occupation like hipster, Brandon clearly isn’t going anywhere. He makes up for it by describing his mother as the person he loves most in the world and describing his biggest date fear as being so attracted to a girl, he can’t be himself. I relate. He may not be a stunner, but Brandon definitely has some redeeming qualities.
Insta: private
Chad, 28
Chad is a luxury real estate agent from Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was formerly in the Marines and is incredibly attractive. Unfortunately, he ruins it by being self-absorbed. When asked what his greatest achievement was, Chad answered with “being born good looking.” Yeah, I’ll pass.
Insta: realchadjohnson
Chase, 27
Chase is the literal embodiment of an All-American guy. He’s honest, ambitious, and looks up to his dad. He drives a truck, has an adorable little nephew, and a puppy named Hammer. He has a sense of humor and a serious love for lions. When asked what marriage means to him, he describes it as "One girl, one commitment-- for the rest of forever.” Chase…please take me away.
Insta: Chase_Brody_McNary
Christian, 26
Christian is a Telecom Consultant and is a huge fan of music festivals. He describes his mother as his best friend and is extremely ambitious. He also used to strip and give lap dances while in college. Sign me up!
Insta: mrchristianbishop
Coley, 27
Coley is a real estate agent from Chicago. There’s nothing really note worthy about him. His favorite holiday is the Fourth of July because ‘Merica. At least, he has that going for him.
Daniel, 31
Daniel is a male model, which isn’t surprising since he sports an amazing bod. Unfortunately, Daniel also knows he has a great bod and as such, uses the Lamborghini as a reference when describing himself. When asked if he had any tattoos, he replied with “No – same reason you don’t put stickers on a lambo.” Yeah, no, thank you.
Insta: danielseanmaguire
Derek, 29
Derek is a commercial banker. The most outrageous thing he’s done is drunkenly skinny-dip in the ocean when sharks were active. He has a fear of fluffy kittens and cucumbers, but we can overlook that due to his amazing singing voice!
Insta: dpayth
Evan, 33
Evan. Wow. I don’t know how to take this guy. He’s an erectile dysfunction expert who loves booty dancing and apparently is very in tune with his sexual energy. He also has relationship deal-breakers that include girls who talk too much, have serious food allergies, and have chipped nails. Pass.
Insta: theebass
Grant, 27
Grant is a firefighter by day and model by night from California. Honestly, this man could save me from a burning building any day. He describes his best attribute as being good at making people smile. He seems great until you scroll down his Instagram and realize he still has pictures up of his ex. What’s up with that, Grant?
Insta: grant_kemp
Jake, 27
Jake is a landscape architect from California. In five years, he sees himself married to JoJo with a kid. He seems nice but he will definitely fade into the background this season.
Insta: N/A
James F., 34
James is a boxing club owner. He views marriage as a huge life-long commitment and loves his sister’s kids. He's a great guy, but a bit of a snooze-fest.
Insta: jamesfuertes
James S., 27
James is a "Bachelor" Superfan. I’m not kidding, that’s his occupation. Seems like this nice guy is going to finish last. There's nothing really interesting about him, but best of luck, James!
Insta: N/A
James Taylor, 29
James is a singer-songwriter who serenades JoJo when he comes out of the limo. This country boy from Texas is great with a guitar, loves himself a good ol' cold beer, and is a huge sports fan. He’ll definitely make it past the first rose ceremony.
Insta: JamesMcCoyTaylor
Jonathan, 29
Jon is a technical sales rep from Vancouver. He has a beautiful little niece who he adores and believes his best attributes include his sense of humor, calm demeanor, and hair. Like Grant, he also has pictures of his ex on Insta, but in his defense, he barely updates.
Insta: thejonhamilton
Jordan, 27
Jordan is probably the most known contestant so far. He was a former professional quarterback and is the brother of NFL star Aaron Rodgers. He definitely has a sense of humor and admires his grandparents. Keep an eye on this one, he'll go pretty far.
Insta: jrodgers11
Luke, 31
Luke is a war veteran and a complete party-starter. He would do anything for love. Luke sings and plays the guitar and has a great sense of humor. Don't let that picture fool you, he is actually pretty hot!
Insta: luke_pell
Nick B., 33
Nick B. is an electrical engineer that surprises JoJo in a Santa costume. Why? I have no idea. He enjoys hunting and fishing, spending time with his family, and playing rugby.
Insta: nickbenvenutti
Nick S., 26
Nick is a software salesman from California. He enjoys hiking and is super adventurous. The most outrageous thing he’s ever done includes chasing a mountain lion, and he’s always wanted to be a dad.
Insta: nisharp
Peter, 26
Peter is a staffing agency manager who is successful. He enjoys activity and one of his most embarrassing moments includes having his pants fall down at a football game.
Insta: N/A
Robby, 27
First up. Robby is a FLORIDA STATE ALUMNI. That alone makes him my favorite thus far. He is a former competitive swimmer who values family and is a hopeless romantic. It also helps that he’s extremely easy on the eyes.
Insta: roberthunter89 - private
Sal, 28
Sal is an operations manager. He believes his best attributes include his humor, dependability, and honesty. In addition to fearing snakes, Sal dislikes the Kardashians: brownie points.
Insta: saldejulio – private
Vinny, 28
Vinny is a barber from Florida with mad skills. He enjoys cooking Italian food and has an adorable bull dog. The most outrageous thing he’s ever done is fly to Mexico at 16 to surprise friends.
Insta: vinnyvinsane
Wells, 31
Wells is a Radio DJ from Nashville. He has a beautiful bloodhound named Carl and enjoys hunting. The most outrageous thing he’s ever done is a great white shark cage dive in Africa. Plus, he loves tacos. I’m sold.
Insta: wellsadams
Will, 26
Will is a civil engineer who apparently lives on a boat? He’s laid back and is absolutely clueless in the kitchen.
Insta: willhaduch
"The Bachelorette" returns Monday, May 23 at 9 p.m. ET on ABC!