As much as we like to post, tweet or share about how much we love going to the WSU Urec to get in shape and promote a healthy lifestyle, at least from personal standpoint--there is a lot more to a "Urec experience" than what meets the eye. By casually hitting up the University Recreation Center, it helps us outweigh all the questionable decisions we have made thus far in our young college careers. Although, with that being said there are a couple things that we all cannot help but think when we make our way over to the Northside of Campus for a workout.
1. Wow I must look so fit and healthy driving to the University Recreation Center (Urec).
Yeah, that's right I'm DRIVING to a FITNESS CENTER to IMPROVE MYSELF and focus on my PHYSICAL PHYSIQUE. When everything in Pullman is typically a five-minute walk from each other, those extra 10 minutes of walking to seem unbearable. I mean, why walk when you can just ... not?
Well, the four machines I use are all full ... might as well leave.
Never mind that I've already eaten three corndogs at The Coug, went to Southfork twice and devoured a can of Cougar Gold this week.
I danced on a table last night, does that count as leg day?
Hair tied, sports bra, chillin’ with no make-up on … catch me on that workout flow. *Also side note: please do not talk to me.
I would like to think that sometimes (most of the time) their muscle tees are positively correlated to the amount of effort I put in my workout.
7. Is there a way to look graceful while running?
Asking for a friend.
8. Okay, treadmill warm-up is done--on to the tough stuff.
I think we all hate how important cardio is, and if you say you like cardio, you are a Big. Fat. Liar.
9. I know I can lift more this 15 lbs. weight they provide upstairs, but I would rather not go downstairs and lift with all the big scary men.
I would never want to intimidate them--you are welcome in advance, guys.
10. I guess I'll try something new, what does that machine do?
Nope, this does not feel right.
11. Did that cute guy just wave at me?
*waves back enthusiastically*
Oh, that was meant for the person behind me?
12. How does that girl look so good while working out?
I do not trust girls who do not sweat.
13. At least my outfit is on point.
Yeah, I color coordinate. Don’t judge me.
14. Who actually uses the Urec pool in the middle of November?
... And I wonder how easy it would be to get a lifeguarding job there.
15. Ok, time to man up and go downstairs to find a real squat rack.
I am now in a foreign land of brotherhood, grunting and sweat.
*Turns on “Ms. New Booty” by Bubba Sparxxx*
17. Just because I'm a girl does not mean I automatically need a spot.
*but in the guys defense, 9 times out of 10 they are probably just trying to help us not have major back problems in the future due to bad form ... We ladies gotta have a little more faith in the WSU gentlemen sometimes.
18. Confidence is key.
Never let anyone make you feel like the 2008 Khloe Kardashian at the gym.
You are the 2016 Khloe Kardashian.
19. Abdominals, we meet again.
*Does 20 crunches*
*checks abs*
20. An hour is a socially acceptable time to finish workout, right?
The weekend is upon us. I am ready. I think.21. All right, I feel so much healthier! I am coming every day from now on!
Excuse me while I scan the entire gym looking for a sister, a friend, an acquaintance or stranger to drive me back home.