19 Personal Rules At 19 That Keep Me Going
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19 Personal Rules At 19 That Keep Me Going

One year left before I bid the teen years farewell.

19 Personal Rules At 19 That Keep Me Going
Zachary Staines // Unsplash

Now that I've hit my 19th birthday, I took the time to reflect on the values and ideals that drive me. Conveniently enough, I've come up with exactly 19 personal rules that keep me going.

1. Don't be afraid of failing.

I wonder how many hobbies I missed out on because I didn't want to take the first step and look like an idiot. As I began to step out of my bubble and try new things, I realized I'd rather make mistakes than make nothing at all.

2. Everyone has a reasoning behind their actions.

I'm not necessarily saying they're good reasons, nor am I saying the reasons justify the action, but very rarely do people commit to a mindset without some sort of rationale.

3. Keep in touch with old friends.

This one seems kind of obvious, but historically, I haven't been the best at maintaining my connections. Only recently did I learn that it's okay to hit someone up just for the sake of chatting. After all, you never know when you talk to someone for the last time.

4. Always aim to improve on something.

"Perfection" has a little over 7.3 billion different definitions. Continue to chase your own definition, and give the world a better you.

5. Joke about the things that don't matter.

Humor is important in close friendships, and it can be fun to crack jokes at the other person's expense. However, it's important to steer clear from the traits that they're legitimately insecure about, e.g. their weight. Anything else, from their major to their horrendous Smash Bros. skills, are fair game.

6. It's alright to improvise.

Having a plan for the next 10 years of your life is great. However, on the off chance that something (or someone) throws a wrench in the works, don't hesitate to ride the wave and seize the opportunity.

7. Positivity doesn't equal happiness.

Some people make the effort to smile at the world no matter what happens, ignoring the problems plaguing them and giving them time to fester. Being happy all the time isn't a sign of strength; in fact, we need those periods of sadness and vulnerability to remind ourselves of how alive we really are.

8. Only freak out after the stressful thing is over.

Save your emotions for when the curtain closes; during the moment of truth, strive to be in the zone.

9. Understand as much as possible before choosing a side.

If you only have one side of a story and commit too early, you can end up hurting someone who didn't deserve it. Be smart about your decisions.

10. It's ultimately up to you.

I'm not going to say to brush off any advice because other people's input is important. However, it's on you to take that advice and use it in a way that suits the way you want to live.

11. Balance is key.

It's great to excel at something, but not if you're sacrificing another aspect of your life for it. Make sure you have a reasonable level of everything if you want to succeed in the long run.

12. Let others speak for you.

If you have to constantly tell everyone that you're unique or smart, chances are people see you a bit differently. Be humble and let your actions demonstrate just how good a person you are.

13. Give back.

There are plenty of moments where you have most of your immediate issues figured out. At these points, you can shift your focus toward helping your community and, to an extent, the rest of the world. Pitch in as much as possible, but don't forget to return to you.

14. Step back.

Once in a while, you can get so focused on the details that you lose track of the bigger picture. So take a deep breath and make sure the whole is worth the effort put into its parts.

15. Look back.

It's not always easy to look at the mistakes of your past self, but you need to if you want to move forward.

16. Move past your judgments.

You're going to assume things about strangers; it's natural. However, you're smart enough to brush those assumptions off and learn about the individual on a deeper level.

17. Trust yourself.

You've played the situation out hundreds of times in your head. You've seen what a successful attempt looks like in your mind. All you need to do is play it out the way that only you can.

18. Thank people.

They appreciate the gratitude as much as you do. Give them a reason to help you again.

19. Dream.

Find something to want. Look for a goal that's unreasonable and way too out of reach and keep pushing forward in your desire to take it. It doesn't matter if your journey is hopeless because it's your journey; make the path your own.

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