18 Times I Thought I Wasn't Fine When I Was
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18 Times I Thought I Wasn't Fine When I Was

I was fine, and you will be too.

18 Times I Thought I Wasn't Fine When I Was

I know that some things aren't fine. Some people don't get better, some feelings never change, sometimes you can't just quit your job, and sometimes it is not fine ever. But this is just my life experience and letting some people know that I have been there and done that and I am okay.

1. When I had a splinter stuck in my finger at Yellowstone National Park when I was five.

My dad pulled it out while I cried and then bought me a pack of cripy M&Ms (back when the wrapper was blue.) We drove off and I ate my M&Ms and I was fine.

2. When I had to change schools in 2nd grade and leave all my best friends.

On the very first day my outfit was poppin' with a Limited Too monkey shirt and hat. I met my very best friend to this day on my second day of school, and I was fine.

3. When my middle school boyfriend broke up with me via text message.

I thought my ENTIRE life had shattered into a million pieces. The next day, I went shopping and bought a banging new outfit from Aeropostale to strut my stuff. I was fine.

4. When my 8th grade soccer team had a perfect season (no goals scored on us) and the team that finally did was the worst team in the district.

Even though we won, we were all still way too upset. Our coach basically told us we were ridiculous and guess what? We went on to win districts and we were fine.

5. When a parent told me they didn't care about me anymore.

This one seems a little more heavy and probably made everyone uncomfortable but I'm doing this chronologically. This took a little more time to be fine. I'm still working everyday to make this fine. But I did a lot of cool things in my life that did not require that person to ruin it all. I'm fine.

6. When my brother moved and I didn't get to go to high school with him.

I had to go to this what seemed like huge school all by myself. I soon learned that high school sucks regardless of who you're with and I was fine even though I hated it.

7. When I had to study for multiple hours for my chemistry class trying to get an A but still ended up with a B.

I was beyond pissed but my GPA didn't suffer and it isn't that big of a deal to get all A's all the time. You guessed it, I was fine.

8. I lost two grandparents.

This was hard but for this one I had no regrets. I spent time with them for their last days and got to talk to them about their lives. If you make an effort and do as much as you can, I promise you'll be fine because so was I.

9. I worked at the worst job in the entire world.

Sonic-Drive In. Where the tips are great but you get hot dogs thrown at you, the slushie machine explodes on you, and the ice cream machine is always broken. I was 16 and got the job the minute I could drive. I worked all summer and paid for my car. My last day a trash bag exploded all over me and I quit right then and there so I could go home and shower. After my shower, I was fine.

10. I got a speeding ticket.

Going way too fast on a highway in a semi-small town will definitely result in this as well. I promise your parents won't hate your or disown you or whatever you imagine they'll do. I paid $150.00 for a class online and the ticket disappeared. It sucked and that was my money I was saving, but I was fine.

11. My boyfriend broke up with me my junior year of high school on my lunch break at work.

Obviously I've grown and I'm not upset by this but...really? On my lunch break? ANYWAY...I thought my world was over. We were dating for over a year and it came out of nowhere with no warning (I mean it was on my lunch break) and I wasn't ready for it. A few days later a guy who hung around us texted me and eventually asked me if I wanted to go out. Cut to 2 years and 4 months later he's still sitting by me while I write this. I'm more than fine, I'm happy.

12. I wrecked my new car!

The one I worked to pay for at Sonic was a 1994 Infiniti that took premium gas. But the car that I wrecked was a car my parents graciously gave to me that was a 2013 Prius. Yeah, I wrecked that one. I truly envisioned my father pushing me off the highest building in our town. But the other day we laughed about it even though I'm sure he still wants to kill me a little bit. So far, I'm fine.

13. Girls in high school were really mean.

I was uninvited, made fun of, and of course had rumors spread. It was the week before Prom and I had been uninvited by an entire group that told me they had a spot for me. I had someone read my personal notes in my phone (I write cute or funny stuff that happens to me in my notes so I don't forget) and read them out loud and made fun in front of all of my "friends." I've literally been pushed in the pool like my life was a 2003 romantic comedy. Some girls are mean, and it will always be that way. They are the way that they are and guess what? I'm fine!

14. I moved to a completely new city.

I was THRILLED to finish high school. I was extremely nervous to start college. The city I moved to was huge and I felt so small. I didn't know where anything was and people moved so fast. It seemed impossible with so much change going on but I just finished my freshman year of college and it was more than fine.

15. I was stressed about money.

My money management skills are less than lacking but I've been in multiple situations of having several dollars in my bank account. I eventually learned how to budget my money and now I am fine.

16. I had to find an apartment.

This process can be insanely stressful but I promise, it will work itself out. I did find an apartment with about a month until the end of the semester and it is adorable and I love it. It's all fine.

17. I've struggled with my body image like most people have.

I've imagined what my life would be like with a different body. Sometimes I wish I could just cut the weight off with scissors but I have learned to love myself. I stopped comparing myself to other girls. I eat pretty much whatever I want and look the way I do. I could starve myself and be a size 6 but what fun is that? I'm completely fine with myself.

18. Some days I do not feel fine.

Some days I feel fat. Some days I still freak out about paying bills. Some days I still can't find stuff in the city I've lived in for a year. Some days I still feel insecure about myself because of the way I was treated. Some days I still remember how I felt the day I wrecked and feel that guilt all over again. Some days my boyfriend and I fight. Some days I still don't love my job. Most days I still would give anything to see my grandparents one more time. Some days I still have to study way too much just to pass. Some days that parent still ruined my day with hateful words towards me. And some days I still get splinters in my fingers. But I am fine, and I promise you will be too.

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