16 Times 'Gilmore Girls' Explained Roommate Love
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16 Times 'Gilmore Girls' Explained Roommate Love

Lorelai and Rory just get it.

16 Times 'Gilmore Girls' Explained Roommate Love

Roommate love makes endless homework and being far from home so much better. Thankfully, I hit the roommate jackpot; we have similar interests, but we balance out each other's flaws. I wouldn't trade my roommate for the world, and Lorelai and Rory often capture that roommate love perfectly.

1. They listen to endless rants about crappy days.

It could be lots of test, long work shifts, or being sick and your roommate is always going to listen to those stories, no matter how whiny. Some days just suck and a good roommate makes those days suck a little less.

2. They understand and support the need for late night Taco Bell.

When studying extends into the wee hours of the morning, Taco Bell is a must. Real roommate love means taking the trek to the parking lot so there can be late-night quesadillas and tacos. This may also mean going to Taco Bell to encourage a starving roommate with cheesy-goodness and extra sour-cream.

3. Being apart can be really hard

Holidays, long weekends, or work can keep you and your roomie apart for longer than desired. This can be downright dreadful, but thankfully Snapchat makes being apart a little less terrible. Too no fail I miss my roommate the second she leaves every weekend.

4. You know how to irritate each other better than anyone else.

Slamming doors, repetitive tapping, not taking out the trash or, we just know what is going to peev our roommates. This is a gift and a curse. For me I love to tap my feet while I read, this drives my roommate bonkers. Knowing your roommates pet-peevs makes living together easier, but also gives endless ammunition during arguments.

5. You just know when they need to be left alone.

You can read their body language and their excessive sarcasm... and yikes she needs to be left alone. It takes time to get to know these cues but its good to know when upset means, alone time or if the upset means she needs you. Knowing the difference makes living together much easier.

6. They bring out a whole new level of corny in you.

Silly jokes and corny notes frequent my roommate and I's abode. We often transform our room into a party zone when the homework is done. In other words we plug in our Christmas lights, lay in our beds and talk about how much we want to sleep.

7. They support your dreams, not matter how lofty.

My roommate is always willing to go on a late night adventure with me. Finding the perfect spot to see the city, to see the moon, or to avoid the ever mounting responsibilities. She knows when I'm on the verge of losing it and suggests a trip to our favorite spot. Roommates support little dreams like late-night adventures, to big dreams like traveling the world or making big personal changes.

8. She kills the spiders.

This may seem like a small feat, but she never fails to take care of my scared-to-death-of-spiders-self.

9. There is nothing better then annoyingly singing to each other

No matter the song, from Fetty Wap to Disney princesses, belting a song with your roommate always causes uncontrollable laughter. Thankfully my roommate and I both like a wide variety of music and have a never ending repertoire of songs to sing.

10. Loving your roommate can turn you into a mama bear

I would not hesitate to do anything that would protect my roommate.This may entail ranting about a stupid boy, or a bad test grade. But I will forever have her back, and I know she's got mine. Its good to know someones on your side.

11. Food, the great equalizer.

Eating meals and snack with you roommate is the best. It is a great opportunity to just talk and get to know more about each other. Food is also a great way to apologize for shrinking your roommates shirt in the laundry or any of the many other things you accidentally do to upset your roommate.

12. Christmas Music

All sorts of families have rules on when Christmas music is allowed. So it is quite likely your whole life you have started listening to Christmas music when you like. When you start to live with someone who was raised by a different family, this can be a big deal. I personally start listening to Christmas music when I want to, but that usually half way through November. My roommate does not feel the same, Christmas music need to wait till after Thanksgiving, but preferably Dec. 1st. In order to avoid driving each other bonkers, my early Christmas spirit is contained by hot chocolate and listening to the Christmas stations with headphones. This makes for a happy home. Then, when the everyone has the Christmas spirit, may the festivities begin.

13. It is important your roommate understands your stance on coffee.

Whether you love coffee or hate it, your roommate knowing your stance is important. Thankfully my roommate and I share a deep love for coffee, and it is apart of our daily lives. We each know each other's coffee orders from the campus coffee shop. Knowing this detail makes surprising her after a rough day or big test that much easier.

14. They see you at your worst and still love you.

I can be one big ball of anxiety sometimes, or a lot of the time actually. My roommate gets that and knows the way to talk me off the ledge, figuratively speaking. If I am on the verge of losing it, she is always the one to help me plan my minute by minute schedule, with time to shower and drink coffee. She always makes sure I take care of me, and I can never thank her enough for that.

15. They tolerate your quirks

I am easily excited, clouds, animals, trees, really anything can make me giddy. I know the easily excited me can be annoying, but my roommate laughs it off. Not everyone could handle a 15-minute conversation on how wonderful crunching leaves is, but she does.

16. They love you

Even with all the fights, tears, and stress your roommate loves you. They love spending time with you; they help you as you grow into the adult you are becoming.

When I started my freshman year at Eastern Nazarene College, I never expected a friendship like this, especially to be made on the first day of classes. I've never had a friend like my roommate and the debt and long distance from home were worth meeting her. So glad I get to adventure with her.

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