If you're a single person in college, chances are all your friends are getting engaged. It seems that all the couples are determined to "put a ring on it" and "get that MRS degree." In case you're unsure, here's what can expect to go through the following over the next few months.
1. Shock
2. Joy for that particular couple
You take a walk down memory lane to recall how the newly engaged couple first started, how they grew together and how they got engaged. You scroll through their old photos and their wedding website, cheering them on the entire time.
3. Love of love
Every time you see a couple get engaged, you repeat phases one and two. This inevitably leads to you getting overwhelmed with feelings of how much you love your friends finding their forever bae.
4. Excitement over the idea of weddings
Your friends aren't just getting engaged — they are getting married! Weddings mean dressing schmancy, road trips, good food and fun dances (hopefully).
5. Getting engaged becomes cliché
Unfortunately, there comes a point where seeing a new engagement becomes overrated because everyone's getting engaged. Take a break on the proposals, people!
6. Stress over planning your summer based on weddings
The idea of going to a bunch of weddings quickly becomes a burden when you have to schedule your various summer vacations, trips, jobs and internships around different bridal showers, bachelor parties and weddings.
7. Saltiness over not getting into the bridal or groom party
Seeing your newly-engaged friend post a best man or maid of honor proposal picture that shows them and someone-not-you is a knife straight to the back. And it hurts.
8. Needing to find a date
If you aren't going to have an important role in the upcoming wedding, you at least have to have to show up with a plus one because there is nothing worse than showing up to celebration of love than being by yourself.
9. Sadness that you're single
But you can't find a date because your single. And every proposal or engagement picture is just a reminder that you're all by your lonesome.
10. Shame eating your feelings
Your life has been an emotional roller coaster: you've recently gone from happy, joyful and overwhelmed by love to salty, stressed and stuck in your forever aloneness. The world is falling apart and nothing really seems certain, except for your love of ice cream.
11. Getting back in shape for the weddings
12. Quarter-life crisis
All these ups and downs have made you reconsider everything in your life. "Why am I not engaged?" "Am I going to die alone?" "Why did I just gain and lose a bunch of shame weight from ice cream?" "All these people are engaged and I don't even know what I'm doing after I graduate... Or if I'm graduating..."
13. Entertaining ideas
Since getting engaged is nowhere in the near future, you begin playing with the idea of different life plans. Maybe you'll get a dog, go to grad school, go teach, write that book, travel or that other thing you thought of doing while being super existential.
14. Calm down amidst you're singleness
Then the stress from not being engaged goes away. You remember that you're awesome and you become more aware of the difficulties that come with engaged/being married and realize that being single isn't too bad. You can continue growing as an individual, exploring your passions and talents and living life without having to consider how it will affect your significant other. Plus, you realize how much you hate the idea of full-on adulthood and doing anything to delay that (i.e., not being in a hurry to get married) is pretty awesome.
15. Go to weddings
You go and watch a countless number of friends get married. You rock your wedding attire, watch the beautiful service, cry a little, eat lots of cake and dance your heart out.
16. Happiness and peace
The weddings all end. You are genuinely happy for each of your friends who is now hitched and are at peace because you know that your life will still go on without a ring on your finger. You also take a breath of fresh air knowing that your wedding will come along when it's meant to.