16 Great Things About College Football Games | The Odyssey Online
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16 Great Things About College Football Games

16 Great Things About College Football Games

1. That moment when you realize its game day.

As you reluctantly wake up as you do every morning, you suddenly realize today is no ordinary morning. Instead, it is game day, one of the greatest days of the year.

2. Tailgating.

Everyone does it a little bit differently, but it is something you must try to do at least a few times a season. As long as the grill master lives up to his name, the indispensable and universal ritual is the highlight of everyone’s morning and afternoon.

3. Thousands of screaming fans packing into a stadium.

There is a sense of awe as these hordes of people from all walks of life come together and unite behind one of America’s greatest traditions.

4. School spirit.

There may be a handful of visiting fans in the stands, but there is no reason for them to be heard. This is your turf, your home, your screams and school colors, drowning out those you dare to challenge.

5. Super fans.

They are at every game, they are the first at the stadium and last to leave. They are at games for better or worse, through rough patches and good times. They know the entire roster backwards and forwards. These people represent the heart and soul of a fanbase and should be treated with respect.

6. Rivalries.

These are the most important games of the season for everyone, from the star quarterback to the casual fan. Ohio State-Michigan. Florida-Florida State. Auburn-Alabama. Army-Navy. It doesn’t matter if you are destined for the Rose Bowl or if you haven’t had a winning season in a decade. Rivalry games are the only must-win games of the year.

7. The mascots.

Whether you have an eagle, tiger, or bulldog representing your team, the mascot is a key part of the entertainment and energy at a football game.

8. Concession stands.

Nachos, fries, and soda galore.

9.Opening kickoff.

The fans go wild, the players smile, the ball gets kicked and starts today’s conflict.

10. Social media exploding.

Whether it is a video of a chant, a selfie with the mascot, or celebratory tweets, every major social media outlet is inevitably filled with the excitement of the game.

11. The traditions.

Whether it's Notre Dame’s Irish Guard, the Florida Gator Chomp, or Hawaii’s Haka Dance, traditions of any kind help bring together the fans around the team and excite everyone.

12. The excitement of getting the first touchdown.

When your team makes the first touchdown, it gives you a great sense of hope that you will win this game as a result of the positive momentum. It excites every fan in the house.

13. The surprise play.

Whether a clutch interception or a 98-yard run, every game has a big play that shocks every person in the stadium. Whether it is for your team or against it, you can’t help but wonder how they did it.

14. Comebacks.

There is no greater satisfaction than witnessing your team overcome the odds and win when hope is lost.

15. The thrill of victories.

Whether your team is the best or the worst, a victory invariably fills the arena with an energy like no other.

16. The memories with friends and families.

As much fun as football games are, family and friends are even more special. You might not remember every victory you ever witnessed, but you will remember the good times you had with those you care about.

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