A small 2 percent of the population is born with red hair and porcelain skin, and let me tell you, this comes with a lot of responsibility. You will always be the center of attention when you walk in a room and eventually you are so tolerant of the things that happen, you don't even realize they still occur. With the chances of being born with red hair so low, essentially you are the equivalent to a magic dragon; but even with this so called magical power, there are many struggles that tag along.
1. The amount of sunscreen you will use in your lifetime is probably equivalent to three swimming pools.
"Didn't you put sunscreen on like 20 minutes ago???"
Yes, yes I did -- and I will have to because otherwise my skin will sizzle like an egg on a frying pan.
2. Despite all efforts to protect your skin from burning, you probably still look like a lobster three quarters of the summer.
Yes, I know I am burned and yes, it does hurt. Now please go find me some aloe.
Oh wow, such an original question. I have never been asked that before. If only I had a nickel for every time someone asked that, I could pay for college.
And as you get older, the enthusiasm for answer this question, seriously depletes.
4. When someone in the room with clearly dyed red hair claims to be natural and you immediately give them an eye-roll.
Please, I know my kind from a mile away and you are definitely not one of them. Sweetheart, you have a hair color with a name after a Crayola crayon.
5. Experimenting with your hair can't even be mentioned around friends and family without them screaming "NO" very loudly.
You just slowly accept that dying even a strand of hair will result in you being stoned to death.
Even getting a haircut is seriously evaluated because I'm convinced others think it has magical powers like Rapunzel's beautiful gold locks.
6. You could have the ability to fly and you would still be known as "The Redhead."
Pretty sure my name is completely obsolete sometimes because when you run into someone from your past, they simply refer to you as "the redhead I went to camp with" or "the redhead in my 5th grade class."
7. There are about three colors on the color wheel that actually look nice on you.
8. Completely giving up on the idea of having a skin tone darker than a piece of paper and accepting that freckles will be the closest thing to it.
"You should try tanning!"
LOL @ that!
9. Whenever you're with friends and they see a redhead of the opposite sex, they basically push you toward them and scream "MAKE REDHEADED CHILDREN! DON'T LET THE SPECIES DIE!"
10. Being called a "ginger" is no longer derogatory and you simply have accepted that people will say "Gingers don't have souls" in any public setting.
11. Finding makeup that matches your skin tone is like finding a needle in a haystack.
12. You could wear an invisibility cloak and people will ALWAYS look at you.
13. People have this weird desire to touch your hair like it's going to feel different than anybody else's hair.
14. Ariel was just assumed to be your favorite Disney Princess.
15. No matter how much of a pain it can be, you wouldn't be you without your red hair and you wouldn't trade it for the world.