As I have mentioned in previous articles, this coming school year will be my senior year of college! I have experienced so much in the past three years, and I can't wait to see what the fourth and final year has in store. I have also been very fortunate to spend the last three years with someone who truly loves me by my side. He has been there through everything from major breakdowns over suddenly realizing I no longer wanted to become a teacher and having to figure out what the hell else I was going to do, to also trying to decide for 15 minutes what flavor iced coffee to get. I am very grateful for the past three years we've spent together and try and show that as often as I can, but I've realized sometimes the every day little things may go unnoticed. So today I am going to say thank you for a few of those things!
1. Thank you for having patience with me.
Especially at the Dunkin Donuts drive-thru when I can't make up my mind on what flavor to get, only to end up getting the same one every time.
2. Thank you for not breaking up with me the first year of our relationship when I hated college (and basically everything else).
I don't know why you decided to stick with me but I'm really glad you did.
3. Thank you for going out to eat at the same place every time we come home for a weekend.
Because you know I love it.
4. Thank you for remembering every thing I have ever said
It honestly shocks me sometimes how much you remember!
5. Thank you for buying me sunflowers any time I have a bad day
Even on the days that I constitute as bad over something as small as my coffee order being wrong.
6. Thank you for always encouraging me to go after things I want.
Even when I'm too scared to go after them.
7. Thank you for being the sweetest and most considerate guy I know.
You truly do make me feel like the luckiest girl.
8. Thank you for all the Marshalls trips we have gone on.
And all the ones we will go on.
9. Thank you for watching any and all 80s movies with me.
Because you know I love them (I know you secretly love some of them too, though).
10. Thank you for all the nights we've spent just hanging out and watching bad reality TV shows.
Because those are some of my favorite nights.
11. Thank you for teaching me how to drive.
Because I literally wouldn't have a license without you.
12. Thank you for being the kind of guy my parents have never had to worry about me being with.
13. Thank you for being my absolute best friend.
And always being honest with me.
14. Thank you for all the little traditions we've made together.
15. Most importantly, thank you for not giving up on me during our senior year of high school when I only saw you as a friend.
You never gave up and I'm SO glad you didn't because you have truly become the person I can't picture a day without.