13 Reasons You Should Own A Dog, In Case You Needed Them
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13 Reasons You Should Own A Dog, In Case You Needed Them

Who wouldn't want a cuddle buddy for life?

13 Reasons You Should Own A Dog, In Case You Needed Them
Anna Hadley

My dogs are my best friends. Every time I see them, a smile appears on my face instantly. They're just like little bundles of pure joy and sunshine and love. Even with that being the case, I know some people find it hard to believe that dogs can truly make life so much happier. Maybe they prefer cats over dogs, or maybe they just don't know yet. I am here to enlighten them and everyone else as to why you really need a dog.

1. Cuddles

Cuddly pup


Dogs are great when you don't have a significant other to cuddle with. Especially bigger dogs. Their cuddles are even better in the winter because they are basically personal space heaters. The only downside is that they will probably demand more space than your significant other would.

2. Companionship



Dogs are the best friends anyone could wish for. They don't judge you or wish any harm on you. They won't cancel plans or leave you on read. You can totally confide in them and they will always listen without telling a soul. All they want to do is keep their human happy. They will be your bestest friend.

3. Lowered risk for illness



Studies show that being with dogs can lower your blood pressure, which in turn lowers your risk for cardiovascular disease and a plethora of other diseases and illnesses. Having a dog can also help you see the positive on days where you feel very negative. My dogs bring me back down to earth when I'm having an anxiety attack, and pull me back up from the ground when I'm having a depressive episode. They truly are a blessing.

4. Wireless vacuums

Dog Eating


Dropped a piece of food on the floor? No problem. Need to pretend you ate something gross? Dog's got you covered. Who needs a vacuum when you have a dog that can clean up your mess for you? It's faster, more efficient, and much cuter.

5. Comedy relief

Silly dog


Dogs can definitely have their silly moments, and that is one of my favorite things about owning them. When I'm home from college, I don't go a day without laughing (or at least smiling) because of something my silly pups did. They are a bright light on even your darkest days.

6. Increased physical activity

Skateboarding corgi


Dogs are very active creatures, which is a plus when you are not a very active creature. Need to get in a workout? Take your pup for a walk or a jog, they will happily tag along!

7. Protection from eczema

Dog and baby


A study done in 2010 provided evidence that "children who were allergic to dogs were less likely to develop the skin condition if they had a dog in the home during their first year of life." On top of that, the study said that children who are allergic to cats and had a feline companion instead had an increased chance of 13% for developing eczema. Moral of the story: dogs are better than cats.

8. Security systems



Dogs are basically a less expensive security system for your house. Big or small, they will let you know when even the slightest threat is approaching, from plastic bags to leaves to strangers on the porch. Dogs are naturally very protective of their humans and will make sure that they are safe.

9. They make you more social

Best friends


Dogs are social creatures, and so are you! Dog parks are a great place to bring them. You can play with them or just let them play with other dogs. This way they get the exercise and socialization they need, and you can socialize with a bunch of other dogs (and their owners) too.

10. Service dogs

Goodest boy


They assist the blind, deaf, and those with other physical disabilities, and can also be wonderful companions for those with PTSD, depression, anxiety, and more.

11. Your arrival will always be celebrated



No matter how long you're gone, your dog will always be happy that you're back home. You are guaranteed to be greeted with kisses, jumps, wiggles, and lots of love.

12. You can dress them up for Halloween

Fairy princess puppy


The best part of Halloween is dressing up, and having a dog to dress up too would be absolutely adorable. Plus, they could be incorporated into your costume! How cute!

13. The. Head. Tilt.

Head tilt


This is the only reason you need. Get a dog solely for this reason.

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