Summer is officially upon us, which means that it's the season for binge-watching your favorite Netflix series! If you haven't seen "The Office" yet (the U.S. version), one of the most hilarious series Netflix has to offer, then you should definitely add it to your queue for this summer. However, whether you have seen it or not, here are some times that "The Office" has perfectly described some of the feelings we experience during our summer breaks.
1. Finally finishing all of your exams.
The official summer kick-off is when you walk out of your last final exam and feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off of your shoulders. After a long week (or even two) of intense studying and all-nighters, there is no better feeling than being done for a whole three months!
2. Reuniting with family and friends.
Hopefully you and your friends and/or family aren't as obsessed with each other as Kelly is with Ryan but, nonetheless, you might still get a little giddy when you first see them! Although texting and calling each other is a good way to stay in touch, nothing beats finally seeing each other face-to-face. You may spend hours at each other's houses or at your favorite local place to grab a cup of coffee or a bite to eat, but this is time very well spent!
3. Thinking about all of the fun things you want to do this summer.
Whether you have a running bucket list for every place you want to go or thing you want to do, almost everyone is probably wishing for the best summer yet! After a long semester of studying and work, it's only what we deserve, right?
4. Actually making those ideas come to life...
Sometimes actually making plans can feel like pulling teeth.
"I can't today, but let's do it next week!"
"Oh yeah, we should definitely do that this summer!"
These are just some classic ways to delay your fun summer plans, but, before you know it, it's August and you didn't do any of the fun things you wanted!
5. Realizing things cost money and you have none...
Summer's all fun and games until you check your account balance and it feels like the money just disappeared over night...
6. ...which means you have to pick up a summer job.
Working is the last thing we want to do after a long semester, but we have to save up somehow for nights out with our friends, paying the rent or studying abroad. Hopefully, you can find something fun but, if not, then hang in there!
7. Trying to maintain your "summer bod"...
Alright, hopefully it's not as extreme as when Kevin was forced to eat a vegetable, but, staying in shape can be hard during the summer. After a long day of work or a lazy day of relaxation, finding the motivation to exercise can be harder than trying to get out of bed for an 8 a.m.
8. ...but summer barbecues and parties keep getting in the way.
Between holiday barbecues, graduation parties and other summer festivities, there is just too much good food to turn down. Calories only exist if you count them, right?
9. Running into people in town.
Sometimes, it can be nice to run into people that you went to school with and see how they're doing. However, I'm sure we all have at least one person that is the last person we want to run into. Even if you don't, running into people you know when you've just rolled out of bed or are mid-workout at the gym is not fun.
10. When there's absolutely nothing to do.
Why does it always seem like no one's available when you're bored out of your mind?
11. When time flies and before you know it, it's already August.
Although going back to school can be fun, starting classes is definitely not fun. Also on the "not fun" list: packing for school, saying good-bye to friends and family.
12. Making the best of your summer until then!
Summer has just begun! Get out there and do all of the things you want to do in your time off! Remember: no regrets.