I know Christmas is over, but that doesn't mean the holiday jams need to stop after the 25th! Last year, I gave you a list of 12 different Christmas songs to listen to instead of the classics. Here are 12 sure to make to wonder, "How many covers of one song can there be!?"
1. Jingle Bells? by Barbara Streisand
I have never heard this cover of 'Jingle Bells' in my life until it came on a playlist on my home from college. It's quite an adventure.
2. Christmas in L.A. by The Killers
Oh The Killers, with your depressing tones and catchy music. This is actually only one of the many Christmas songs they have produced, but I just enjoyed this one the best.
3. Twelve Days of Christmas by Relient K
I've been jamming to this cover ever since I was an angsty ten year old. Their added chorus to this rockin' cover really makes this Christmas song a headbanger.
4. The Christmas Can-Can by Straight no Chaser
Who doesn't love a good acapella Christmas song? Pentatonix may have made the acapella craze go mainstream, but Straight no Chaser did it first. I am limiting myself to only one song per artist, but "Who Spiked the Eggnog?" by them a great one as well.
5. Christmas for the Jews by Saturday Night Live
One of many classic SNL skits, 'Christmas for the Jews' explains what Jewish people do while the Christians celebrate Christmas.
6. Last Christmas by Carly Rae Jepsen
I absolutely adore Carly Rae Jepsen and her expertly crafted modernizations of 1980s sound. Easily one of my favorite Christmas covers of all time, although Cascada is a close second.
7. Underneath the Tree by Kelly Clarkson
Honestly, I should have known Kelly Clarkson put out at least one Christmas bangers, and I am honestly surprised I have not heard this on the radio more often. If you enjoy listening to more classic holiday tines but want something other than 'Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree,' I would check out this song.
8. Christmas Card from a Hooker in Minneapolis by Tom Waits
You know, this is what happens when you scavenge the internet looking for some happy, family friendly Christmas jams. Oh well. Merry Christmas.
9. Kiss Me Babe, It's Christmas Time by Owl City
Classic Adam Young with his feel good tunes. It's a simple, uplifting Christmas song about being with your loved one on Christmas day.
10. Little Drummer boy by Justin Bieber featuring Busta Rhymes
Listen, I never said this list consisted of GOOD holiday songs, just different ones.
11. Christmas Trees by Major Lazer
I've been waiting for a good Christmas EDM song! After listening to this though, it looks like i'll have to keep looking.
12. Christmas in Hollis by RUN-DMC
I've never of heard of this song until this year, but apparently it is from the soundtrack of everyone's favorite Christmas flick: Die Hard.