11 Tips To Improve Your Mental Health | The Odyssey Online
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Health and Wellness

11 Tips To Improve Your Mental Health

You gotta take care of your mind as well as your body.

11 Tips To Improve Your Mental Health
Paulette Wooten // Unsplash

For those of you who don't know, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. This time of awareness is important since mental well-being sadly still takes a back seat to physical health. I mean, in a way, it makes sense. You can see scars and broken bones. You can feel when your body gets sick, and you know not to spread your germs to others. However, just because you can't always see when someone's mentally ill doesn't mean they're not. Refusing to talk about this issue, let alone admit there is one, doesn't make the problem go away. Your mental health is important, too.

In honor of this month, here are 11 tips you can follow to improve your mental health.

1. Find healthy ways to express yourself

No matter which healthy medium you choose- whether it's journaling, dancing, writing, drawing or something else- you can't go wrong. Find a time and place to let your emotions out to ease your burdens a bit.

2. Have at least one person you can go to for support

You don't need to have 25 people you can talk to whenever you need help. As long as you have at least one or a few trustworthy, caring people in your corner, that's enough.

3. Get enough sleep

You can't thinking as clearly when you're tired, and fatigue definitely doesn't help your mental state. Try to snag at least seven to eight hours of sleep per night.

4. Exercise/get some fresh air

Not saying you have to do P90X everyday, but even just going for a brief walk can help improve your mental health.

5. Recognize unhealthy thinking habits

For now, I'll just refer you to this video (yes, it is another Thomas Sanders mention). There are plenty of other unhelpful thinking styles, though. You need to be aware of what they are and how to change your thinking habits for the better.

6. Eat at least one good meal daily

Don't binge when you eat, and make sure to get some fruit and veggies in when you can (a fast food run could technically count, but you shouldn't let this be your only option).

7. Magnify the good times

Focusing on all the bad times and everything going wrong in your life will quickly drag you down into a mental state you don't want to be in. Fill your head with happy, positive thoughts and memories instead.

8. Complete at least one essential task daily

It doesn't have to be something big. Make your bed. Take a shower. Go out of your room to get a glass of water. Just do one thing that you can check off your daily to-do list. Gotta count the small accomplishments, too.

9. Don't be problem-conscious

It's usually easy to be aware of the problems in your life, but solely dwelling on them isn't healthy. Instead, try to put your problems in perspective and think of ways to resolve your issues. If you need help, refer back to tip #2.

10. Do things that make you happy

Sing. Dance. Look at cat pictures for hours. Find a place to do goat yoga (it's a real thing; look it up). Watch you favorite show or movie. Whatever makes you happy, do it.

11. Utilize your resources

The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance websites has numbers you can call or text when you need help as well as a link to an online chat. Likewise, PsychCentral.com also includes U.S. and UK helplines for depression, abuse and suicide prevention. There are plenty of other resources available online, too. You just need to look for them.

While online resources are great, you should seek out professional help if your mental health has worsened recently. If you're worried about the cost, look into programs that will help you pay to see a therapist and get any meds you might need to recover.

A clean bill of mental health doesn't occur immediately. It takes time and effort to get to and maintain a healthy mental state (it's even more of a struggle if you suffer from anxiety, depression, BPD or any other related illness), but it's not impossible to get there. The clouds eventually do roll away. The rain does stop. The pain does end. You just have to hold on until that day comes. If you feel like that day is long overdue, just remember that with each passing day, even with each passing moment, you're getting closer to it.

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