1. Your wardrobe has no color in it. Maybe three to four colored clothes in neutrals and many shades of black, grey and white.
2. You worship athletes, celebrities, or other public figures more than religion.
3. You eat pancakes and pea soup on Thursdays and chicken on Fridays.
4. You are extremely proud that Lagom is exclusively Swedish, and you like to explain it to other nationals you meet.
"It's not too much or too little; we call it just Lagom in Sweden, you know."
5. When someone tries to say "hi" or smiles at you, you automatically think:
a. He is drunk.
b. He is insane.
c. He is American.
d. He is all of the above.
6. You know that every single holiday in Sweden is a code word for getting wasted.
7. You sit at an outdoor seating in April when it's 25 degrees because spring has arrived!
8. It seems reasonable that even those asking you for money on the streets have iPhones.
9. Putting together Ikea furniture is a piece of cake. Why is everyone complaining?
10. A woman proposing to a man is not weird. Equality is the name of the game.
11. You deal with most situations by using passive aggressiveness.
Whispering, "You have never heard of a line, I see!" after a person cuts the line and is 50 feet away.