Have you ever wished you could just wave a magic wand and make finals disappear? Or just pull an A+ test out of a hat? Unfortunately, there’s no magic to make finals go away or go perfectly, but there are some magic tricks to make studying for finals way easier. Check out these science-based magic tricks for studying and abracadabra your stress away.
1. Move around.
A study found that light exercise while studying helped recall. Light exercise means studying while on the treadmill or stationary bike at an easy pace, or listening to notes read-aloud or lectures while walking or jogging.
2. Change locations.
When we change locations while studying, we force our brains to make new location-based connections with the information we are studying at every location, meaning we have more associations with the information so we remember it better.
3. Try chunking.
Chunking is a psychology term describing a method of short-term memorization. For example, to memorize a random string of numbers like 198275890, you would instead remember 198-275-890. To chunk, break up your notes into easily digested concepts, and then sort the concepts into main ideas.
4. Avoid common reading inhibitors.
If you have a lot a material to read before a test, don’t fall into reading traps like sub-vocalization (pronouncing each word in your head as if you are hearing it being said), reading word-by-word, not taking in as many words as the eye can (the eye can see 1.5 inches at a time), and immediate re-reading.
5. Use the 50-10 rule.
The brain can only concentrate for a certain length of time. Scientists disagree on exactly how long this is. However, the 50-10 rules, 50 minutes of work with a 10 minute break, is a good way to discipline yourself and still not overwork yourself. It helps that this is the typical length of a class and passing period, so you’re already accustomed to the time frame.
6. Use the 20-20-20 rule.
This rule refers to looking at a laptop or other digital screen. To follow this rule, every 20 minutes look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This should reduce the strain on your eyes after looking at a screen for extended periods of time.
7. Do something unfamiliar while you’re studying.
Science has proven that chewing gum of a certain flavor, or wearing a certain scent or color can help recall if you do the same thing during a test. Pick a flavor, scent, or color you don’t wear often and then do the same while taking the test and your memory will be jogged.
8. Surround yourself with blue.
Blue is considered the calmest color because science has proven seeing the color helps reduce blood pressure and anxiety.
9. Type up your notes in Times New Roman.
Typing your notes forces you to go through everything you’ve written down over the course of the semester. A study also found that we can read Times New Roman the fastest of any font.
10. Stare at the wall.
This is the most basic form of meditation even the average stressed-out and caffeinated college student can achieve. Just look at a blank wall straight ahead of you for three minutes to reduce anxiety and lengthen your attention span.
11. Draw pictures.
The brain naturally lends itself to remembering pictures more than words. Draw diagrams, icons, and graphs to help visualize concepts and bring them to mind more easily during an exam.
Let scien– um, magic do the work for you this semester. Use these tricks to get an A on all your exams. Good luck!