We've all been there, staring down one of our guilty pleasures, praying for the will power to resist but ultimately giving in. So here's a list of some of my personal guilty pleasure that I'm sure all you other college students can relate to as well.
1. Name brand coffee
Whether it's a mocha frappuccino with extra whip, a skinny half caf french vanilla, or an iced caramel latte, we are all guilty of splurging on our favorite Dunkin or Starbucks coffee creation, regardless of our banking situation.
2. Crappy reality TV
The Bachelor, True Life, Extreme Couponing, Real Housewives of [insert your favorite city here] - the list is endless. We've all spent hours we should have been working on our midterm or cleaning our room catching up with the Kardashians instead.
3. Speaking of TV: crime dramas
The world went nuts over Netflix's 'The Making of a Murderer' and I know at least I'm guilty of Hulu-ing Law and Order SVU each week. Let's face it - everyone loves a good crime drama, whether it's because it makes us feel prepared for all the dangerous situation we may encounter or we just like looking at Shemar Moore's body. We have all spent hours bing watching our favorite show's reruns and then locked the door at night 'just because' the Reaper may show up.
4. Late night Dominos/McDonalds runs
We've blamed it on finals, on stress, on breakups, or on going out, but the truth is we all love a good slice of pizza with bacon and pepperoni or a chocolate shake and fries at 2 am, because calories don't count after 2 am....right?
5. Celebrity magazines
...and all the gossip they contain. For as 'trashy' as Cosmo may be or 'exaggerated' as People makes celebrity weight gains/losses seem, no matter how hard you resist, you always end up purchasing this month's copy on your normal CVS run, because Carrie Underwood is on the cover this month and how can you not buy a magazine with Carrie Underwood on the cover?!
6. Wearing work out clothes all day long, when you don't plan on going to the gym
As Blair Waldorf announced to the world one night: Leggings are not pants. And while I firmly agree with my girl B, we're all guilty of putting on a t-shirt, sports bra, and leggings or sweats and going to class / the grocery store / the doctor and telling everyone indeed I have given up on life today.
7. Sleeping in
We've all heard the age old saying that waking up the same time every day is good for you and just because it's the weekend doesn't mean it's okay for you to sleep all day...but if you're like me that hasn't stopped you from sleeping till noon, then staying in bed till three watching TV because it's Sunday and if God rested, so can you!
8. Buzzfeed videos
Whether it's puppy videos, the Try Guys, some food video, or something else entirely, we are all guilty of traveling down the dark hole that is Buzzfeed Videos, only to reenter the world hours later, having gotten nothing on your To Do List done and wondering when it became 4:26 pm when you promised you'd only watch one video at two o'clock.
9. Online shopping
Goodbye paycheck, hello cute new Tobi dress! I know we really should be taking some of the responsibility here, but I feel like at least 50 percent of the blame has to go to Amazon Prime as well. With endless shopping of all your favorite items at the tips of your fingers without having to put a real bra or makeup on, how do you not get that cute shift dress for 20 percent off when you sign up?
10. Cyberstalking pretty much anyone
You were only planning to see if he had a girlfriend by looking back on his Instagram a few weeks...soon you're on some random third cousin's sister's Facebook while simultaneously cross checking Twitter to see if she like the Islanders as much as she claims. Whether it's your ex, your crush, or just someone you're curious to get to know, we've all done our fair share of cyberstalking and worried we may say something in a conversation that could give us away.
11. Singing at the top of your lungs in the shower when you think you're home alone
Think Easy A shower scene (or see above!), Emma Stone sudsings up her hair screaming pocket full of sunshine. The acoustics in the shower are perfect for your personal rendition of Beyonce's newest hit or a classic Broadway favorite. But if anyone were to dare ask if that was you singing in the shower, you quickly deny, change the subject, or leave the room. Your vocal cords are meant for you and your shower head alone.