10 Honest Pieces Of Relationship Advice For My Newly 'Cuffed' BFF
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10 Honest Pieces Of Relationship Advice For My Newly 'Cuffed' BFF

You got a boyfriend -- now what?

10 Honest Pieces Of Relationship Advice For My Newly 'Cuffed' BFF

Congrats on getting a boyfriend!

Although I am your very single best friend, here are 10 pieces of my best advice for you, my newly cuffed BFF.

1. Be loyal.

If an old flame tries to hit you back up on social media, block it. There is no need to open the door for the one who chose to leave once before.

If you are hesitant, put yourself in your boyfriend’s shoes and ask yourself if you would truly be okay with him rekindling a once burnt out flame. The answer is no. Block yours.

2. Always give 100%.

There is an old saying that a relationship is 50/50, but it is much more than that.

By giving 100% every day, you are building a stronger empire together; one that either of you can withhold if the other is struggling to give more than 50% due to life’s battles.

3. Make each other laugh.

Crack a joke or send a meme once a day. It is thoughtful and lets your partner know that even amongst your busy lives, there is a time to forget about how much assignments and exam suck.

Share a laugh with each other, even if it is just for a few seconds.

4. Prioritize each other.

Send a good morning text to let him know he is on your mind before heading out to class or work.

Call him on your downtime and if he does not answer, do not get upset. Leave him a cute (or funny) voicemail for him to listen to later on.

Make sure you see each other at least every other week if you are able to. I have noticed that anything longer than two weeks begins to create stress on a relationship unless circumstances such as distance are a factor.

5. Communicate efficiently.

If you find there is a problem, address it as soon as possible. Do not let it burrow beneath your skin and boil.

Do not send passive aggressive text messages or one-word responses for him to decipher. Instead, address the issue in person if you are able or call him.

Keep your voice low and do not think of raising it. A majority of problems can be resolved in a matter of minutes if you are slow to anger and are honest with your partner about your emotions or the situation at hand.

6. Actions speak louder than words.

It is one thing for someone to confess their feelings for you, but it is another to be shown how special you truly are to someone.

If you are being hidden, put on the back burner or left feeling less than you should, something or someone needs to change.

I wish I could tell you that you can believe every word he says to you as if he was willing to bet his life that every word was true. However, he has to show you as well as tell you how he feels.

Unfortunately, those can be two different things. Watch and listen carefully.

7. Spend time with him, but not all your time.

I definitely encourage you to hang out with him, go on dates, and invest time into your relationship. However, remember to invest time in your friendships as well.

A new relationship is exciting, but your friends are basically dating him with you. We receive every screenshot, witness every giggle, wipe away every tear, and hear every little thing about him.

Do not push them to the back burner when it comes to him. Most times, your friends will be the only ones there to support you if there is a falling out between the two of you.

8. The little things matter.

I know you may want to spoil him with luxurious gifts and treat him to let him know he’s important, but know that you do not have to buy his love. In a relationship, the little things matter and they add up, whether they are good or bad.

While I know he may want the new Call of Duty game, sometimes a simple “I appreciate you,” “I really enjoy hanging out with you,” or “I am so proud of you” will remind him of your appreciation toward him.

Do not think you cannot compliment him because you can and remember that just like you, he needs reassurance once in a while too.

9. Plan for the future together.

I am not saying you two have to decide if you want to get married in five years or own six dogs, but plan dates and adventures together to have something fun to look forward to.

Do not settle for Netflix and Chill every time you see each other, instead -- go bowling, see a movie, go on a road trip, get ice cream, gaze underneath the stars, find a trail and make it your favorite hike or spot to have picnics.

Plan new adventures and plan on challenging each other. I know these ideas are generic and unoriginal, but we are all in college and poor. If you truly like him, a trip to the grocery store will even excite you. Trust me.

10. Be his best friend.

A relationship without friendship has no foundation and is ultimately doomed to fail. Despite what you may think, kisses and cuddles are not going to solve all your issues as individuals (although sometimes I wish it would).

While those are definitely recommended, the emotional and physical aspects of a best friend in a relationship are going to help you both overcome life’s challenges together.

Yet, believe me when I say it will not always be easy. It takes time to develop a true best friendship and an even longer time to truly trust one another.

Whether it takes one month or six years, keep in mind that a relationship is about choosing each other each day despite everything else. A relationship, just like a friendship, takes time to establish itself.

Right now, everything is new, but soon enough it will not be. Eventually, you will learn how to communicate about your plans, your fears, your desires, and the uncertainties you have.

You will be able to untie the knots in his stomach with a simple touch of your hand. You will be able to find the right words to say when he needs it most. You will be able to soften his hardened gaze with a silly look or phrase.

It takes time and it takes practice. Be patient with him and be patient with yourself. In this, you are going to discover parts of him as well as parts of yourself that you never before knew.

Allow yourself to grow through every triumph and challenge. Allow your love for each other to grow each day.

While none of this advice worked for me; know that, if you and your boyfriend work persistently toward growing with one another every day with these 10 pieces of advice in mind, you are already beginning to build the strongest empire; one that is built to last.

If it does not work out, however, I will be right there by your side with 10 pieces of heartbreak advice to guide you through it.

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