10 Ways To Get Rid Of The Freshmen 15 | The Odyssey Online
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10 Ways To Get Rid Of The Freshmen 15

Here are the 10 exercises to help you reach your full potential and make you feel your best!

10 Ways To Get Rid Of The Freshmen 15

Freshmen year is over and you find yourself 10 to 15 pounds heavier. Everybody warned you about it, you even joked about it when you were about to eat that vanilla sundae topped with Oreos from the dessert table at the cafeteria. Summer is here and it is time to wear that bikini with pride because you’ve just realized: the damage is done. Just like you, I found myself in that position two months ago at the end of my freshmen year. Let’s be real; that pasta bar was amazing, those desserts were to die for, and let’s just say that drinks are expensive and as a result we get beer belly.

I am currently on a path to reaching a new potential, thriving to become healthier and happier with my body. There is no such thing as a bikini body but the truth is that we want to look and feel our best. These 10 exercises helped me loose weight, but most importantly they helped me aspire to a healthier lifestyle which is what ultimately prevents the gain in the first place. I am not 100% where I want to be, but I know that I will get there. Here are the 10 exercises to help you reach your full potential and make you feel your best!

1. Cardio

Great News! You no longer have to run for an hour in a treadmill, it is both boring and ineffective. If you are trying to burn fat, experts say that by incorporating short burst of high intensity cardio this can lead to an increase in calorie burn. Start by giving it your all in short periods and then rest your body for a few minutes. This will increase calorie burn even when you are walking after that all-out work.

2. Your Worst Enemy: Burpees

This workout is not the easiest, but it is very effective. Not only does it burn a lot of calories, but It also works your entire body from head to toe. Start from pushup position to a jump and then to push up position again. Try 3 sets of 15 reps, don’t be afraid to step it up as you start feeling more comfortable.

3. 1-minute plank: And they said time flies!

Whoever said time flies did not do a 1-minute plank. Those 60 seconds may feel the longest but it is one of the most effective exercises. Put your elbows aligned with the rest of your body and try contracting all your muscles.

4. Lying Leg Rises

Although it may look easy, this lower abs workout will make you sweat. The key is to have your legs as close to the ground as possible without touching it. Try 3 sets of 20 reps in a slow and controlled manner.

5. Russian Twist

This exercise targets your oblique’s by giving you a smaller waist and toned V-lines. Try doing this move repeatedly for 60 seconds three times.

6. Single Leg Glute Bridge

You may be aware of hip rises but this move is going up a level by adding intensity. Facing upwards with one leg bent and the other stretched in the air; move your hips upwards and slowly come back to resting position. After a few tries you will be feeling the burn in your glutes and legs. Do 3 sets of 30 reps.

7. Wall Sits

This is the legs and glutes version of the plank, and this exercise is pretty much self-explanatory. Rest your back in the wall and sit as low as possible for 45 seconds then repeat this 3 times.

8. Back Lunges

This variation will bring you one step closer to that Kardashian booty! Start by standing with your feet together, take a step back and lower your body to the ground. Try keeping a straight line with your body as you alternate legs. Repeat 3 times with 20 reps.

9. Jump Squats

You are almost there! Try doing this intense version of squats by adding a jump to it. Not only will this work your lower body but it will also help with fat burn. Do 3 sets of 20 reps.

10. Stretch it out!

One of the most important parts after a workout is stretching. We want to make sure that your body is stretched and cools of slowly. Doing this will avoid injuries and soreness the next day.

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