10 Struggles Only Girls With Curly Hair Can Relate To | The Odyssey Online
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10 Struggles Only Girls With Curly Hair Can Relate To

#8 Sleeping with wet hair is a major no-no.

10 Struggles Only Girls With Curly Hair Can Relate To
Ajay Goel

Ahhh, curly hair: the biggest blessing and curse. Sure, it's amazing because we can rock those natural locks that people would kill to have, but then it's not-so-hot when we find ourselves wrestling with the flat iron or praying that the humidity doesn't ruin a perfectly good hair day. You hear it all the time, "Oh my gosh, I LOVE your hair" only to shake your head and think to yourself, "If they only knew."

You know that full head of unpredictable hair is part of you, and while you love the options a big head of hair offers, you know those lovely locks come at a price:

1. It is wildly unpredictable.

You wake up in the morning and take your shower, knowing darn well that if you're going for the curly look, you're rolling the dice. Will it look cute or totally insane? Only time (and weather conditions) will tell.

2. Brushes are not your friends.

A friend asks you to borrow a hairbrush and you can't help but to laugh. HAH. Brushing curly hair is basically the equivalent of getting it stuck in an electric socket (or one of those lovely early 2000s crimpers that were ALL THE RAGE).

3. You've tried every product known to man.

Anything to tame the mane... you've gone through countless products for frizz, humidity, curl shape, and curl hold only to find that the search is seemingly endless.

4. Humidity, rain, or anything out of the ordinary is enough to make you cringe.

That time you spent perfecting that 'do'? All of the sweat that went into straightening your hair? Forget about it.

5. People want to touch your ringlets.

I think it's great that you like my hair, but when you touch it, you are disturbing the peace of my perfectly good hair day not to mention making me feel like a toy doll. Yes, my curls are real.

6. Straightening your hair takes commitment.

With curls that seem to have a mind of their own, you know you're in for quite the challenge when you lay a flat iron on your hair. You wonder if maybe just ironing your hair on an ironing board would be more effective before you resolve to wet your hair and go back to the curls.

7. "Oh my gosh, is that natural? How do you do it? I wish I had hair like yours!"

No, I like to look like a Chia Pet for fun. And my secret? Wash your hair and pray that it works out.

8. Sleeping with wet hair is a major no-no.

So much for waking up flawless like Beyoncé because, with curly hair, sleeping on it wet means nothing but awkward kinks and strangely straight spots around your head.

9. Haircuts are a delicate art.

There is a very fine line between getting a cut that is both practical and cute and ensuring that the cut doesn't revert your hair to the dreaded "curly triangle" (a hair nightmare).

10. At the end of the day, you know your hair is rockin'.

Sure, curly hair has its struggles, but it is unique, beautiful, and full of options. Unlike your friends who can't get their hair to hold a curl, your hair can do it all and it is truly a gift to have such lovely locks. Wear that curly hair and OWN IT!

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