Let me start out by saying that I am in no shape or form a fitness expert. However, three months ago I vowed to become more active, and it has completely transformed my life in more ways than one! Here a list of 10 reasons why you should start working out too:
1. Working out increases endorphins, which in turn makes you happier!
Ever hear someone say, "I need to go for a run" after a long stressful day? That's because when working out hormones are released improving your mood! You may have heard of it referred to as "runner's high". It's real and it works. Try taking a jog or even walking across campus after cramming for finals, you'll feel much better, I promise.
2. A regular workout routine will lead to increased energy.
I know, that just sounds crazy. How can working out give me more energy, right? However, it does. After a short time of working out regularly, you will start to notice how you no longer struggle to get out of bed in the morning, and are able to make it through the day without needing a nap. Increased energy is definitely a plus in my book, especially if you're trying to maintain good grades and a healthy social life!
3. You make new friends.
Working out puts you in a whole new community of people who share a common goal with you. These friends help you reach your goals and keep you on track! Whether you take a yoga class, take up Crossfit or hit the campus gym, you will find a supportive community who will help you however they can.
4. You start to eat better.
It's a no brainer that eating right and working out go hand in hand. Surprisingly though, working out actually motivates you to eat better. Let me explain: you take a 45-minute spinning class and burn anywhere from 400-600 calories. If you grab a slice of pizza (or two) you've completely wasted that workout. Once you make working out a regular part of your routine, you will not want any of your work outs to be wasted.
5. It makes it so you can indulge when you deserve it.
I know, I know, this contradicts number four, but seriously this is important! You should never feel guilty for eating cake for someone's birthday, especially your own! Rocked your finals? Treat yo self! Working out gives you the opportunity to indulge in some sweetness, (or a juicy hamburger) without feeling guilty! Go for a run three times this week, those cheese fries on Friday night won't affect you so much.
6. You will look good in those jeans.
Ladies, butts are in. Maybe this all started because of the Kardashians, but wherever it came from, it's here. Walking on an incline, or doing squats are a surefire way to plump your rump. Your jeans will thank you for it.
7. It makes outdoor activities much more enjoyable.
Ahh, hiking! Such a fun activity, but not for those of us who are out of shape. When you're out of shape, hiking mostly consists of walking far behind the rest of the group so they can't see how out of breath you are. Well remember that increased energy I talked about on reason number two? It goes hand in hand with stamina! You'll have so much stamina from working out you'll be the one leading the pack!
8. It's fun!
Yes, I said it, working out is fun. Working out doesn't have to be this grueling exercise that makes you hate yourself. Love soccer? Join a league! Take a dance class, go on a nature walk, ride a bike, or even play tennis. These are all great ways to get active and keep moving that are actually enjoyable.
9. You look your best.
If this one isn't every girl's goal I don't know what is. We all want to look good in a bathing suit, to wear a cute dress, and wear a sleeveless top without feeling self conscious. This is the only way to do it, so just do it!
10. It improves the quality of your life.
I know what you're thinking, isn't that the point of this article? What I mean goes deeper than the previous nien reasons. Ever see a 50-year-old woman, like Jennifer Aniston for example, who just looks amazing? Then you turn to yourself and wonder how a 50 year old woman looks better than you? It's because from a young age she made working out a habit. Better yet, beneath how beautiful she is, she is healthy! She will live longer and have fewer health issues than a woman of her age (or even younger).
The moral of the story? Working out is good for you, just do it.