" Grey's Anatomy," the heart-pounding, drama-filled, intense series that draws us in and never spits us back out. A medical drama that focuses on interns beginning their career at Seattle Grace Hospital, this show will leave you speechless and playing the next episode for hours upon end.Here are ten reasons we love Grey's so much.
1. Derek and Meredith.
It starts as a one-night stand, but Meredith later faces her fears and shows us what it means to truly devote yourself to your soul mate. We watch their relationship unfold, over a course of seasons, into something beautiful.
2. Yang.
A personality that cannot be found anywhere else, Christina Yang is the 'person' we all wish we had. Although sometimes her stubbornness drives us insane, Grey's would simply not be the show it is without her.
Audreymagazine.com3. You realize you could have probably gotten a masters degree in medicine by the time you finish all the seasons.
"Do we have a doctor on board the flight today?" Don't raise your hand.
4. Nobody is ever safe.
We never know what's coming next, whether interns die or we lose one of our beloved doctors. The show is one big plot twist.
5. The chemistry.
It works between everyone. There isn't a couple in the hospital that doesn't belong together.
6. The music.
It makes us cry, yet we can't stop watching the episodes.
7. Who came up with this stuff?!
The top question you're wondering when you watch this series. Oh right, Shondra Rhimes. Smart woman. Very smart woman.
8. The suspense.
Our heart stops every time someone's pager goes off. We sometimes feel like we have our own Seattle Grace pager.
9. Our attachment to the show and characters.
The thought of Grey's ending makes you realize you legitimately do not have a life outside of the show.
10. The connection.
It feels as if you are part of the cast, feeling all their emotions and watching their lives happen right before your very eyes.