10 Reasons Everyone Should Pay Attention To Plus-Size Fashion
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10 Reasons Everyone Should Pay Attention To Plus-Size Fashion

Just as plus-size women follow the straight-size fashion industry, the same should be true of straight-sized women.

10 Reasons Everyone Should Pay Attention To Plus-Size Fashion

Plus-size women have been following the straight-size fashion industry, runways and brands for decades, even when they were most often not making clothes that would fit or suit their bodies.

Now, as the plus-size fashion industry, including brands and fashion bloggers, grows, straight-size women have not returned the sentiment. However, paying attention to plus-size fashion is valuable to everyone, not only those who are classified by the industry as "plus-size."

I'm a size 6/8 and I follow straight-size and plus-size fashion gurus and bloggers equally, as I find that there is value in the inspiration that I gain from both. Here are ten reasons why everyone, regardless of size, should pay attention to plus-size fashion.

1. Supporting plus sized fashion bloggers pushes back against the stigma that any woman is more or less worthy due to her appearance, as well as harmful stereotypes about women who are not thin.

Plus-size women have been stereotyped as lazy, frumpy, and unable to take care of themselves. The plus-size fashion industry, bloggers, and models push back against this stigma and provide a mass of examples to disprove it. Perhaps even more important, plus-size fashion takes a stand against the concept that a women's worth is based on her appearance, which is a stigma ideal that harms all women, regardless of size. Plus-size fashion exemplifies the truth that all women are worthy of looking good, feeling good, and being successful.

2. Being confident in the face of society deeming that you should not is something we can all appreciate.

Anyone can appreciate someone that pushes back against society's boundaries, including plus-size women who break the fashion rules unfairly placed upon them. Trailblazers are not only inspiring for those in a similar position but also to those attempting to break through boundaries in other fields and arenas.

3. Women should support other women being successful and making waves.

Women should support other women, period. Seeing plus-size women breaking down boundaries and valuing themselves as they should is something that all women should be in support of; it opens more doors for women of other once-marginalized groups to push through that which has held them back. Even if you aren't paying attention to plus-size fashion for the style inspiration, you should support the strong, beautiful women who have brought it into the mainstream.

4. Statistically speaking, there is a good chance that you are plus-size.

The average size of American women is between a size 16 and a size 18, research states. Therefore, there's a pretty good chance that you should be paying attention to plus-size fashion, and their brands, because that is the category that you fall into. Note the irony that although a size 16/18 is the average size of American women, it is still classified as "plus-size," as the "other," and of less important to the mainstream fashion industry.

5. Even if you aren't classified as "plus-size," you're more likely to see a similar body to yours in a plus-size model.

Even if you're not a size 16/18+, there's a good chance that you probably look more like a plus-size woman than the women modeling straight-sized clothes who usually fall within the limits of a size 00-2. Like me, you might not be classified as plus sized, but you may have the curves and body more similar to that of the plus-size women than the average straight-size model. Plus-size fashion brands and gurus have a much better understanding of how to dress to flatter a curvier figure and plus-size models provide a much more accurate image of what clothing may actually look like on your body if you are not below a size 0.

6. Seeing other women feeling confident may inspire you to be more confident yourself.

Seeing other women feeling confident and valuing themselves and their worth can be a pick-me-up for anyone, not only plus-size women. A woman who is comfortable in her body despite showing off what society has deemed to be her flaws is a much better role model for anyone than a high-glamour mainstream fashion editorial. Hopefully, seeing images of other women feeling confident and empowered would encourage women to know that it is possible for them to feel confident in themselves too, regardless of size.

7. We all benefit from moving away from the concept of the "ideal body"

The concept of the "ideal body" is not only harmful to plus-size women but to women of all sizes. Even thin women often do not meet the requirements of the current "ideal," which praises having dramatic curves that lead to very thin waists. Most women do not have the ability to achieve this body type, and having such an unattainable standard for women's bodies can be harmful to the overall image that the average woman has of herself. Plus-size fashion and its models all push back against the concept of an "ideal body," which is something that all women are up against.

8. Following plus-size fashion helps to bring down the barrier between straight-size and plus size fashion that gives retailers a pass for only offering plus size women loose, frumpy, and matronly clothes.

Plus-size women have often received the short end of the stick by both not being offered clothing in their size by many brands and by being offered very limited, matronly clothes from brands that cater to larger sizes. Paying attention to plus-size women dressing on-trend sends retailers the message that this style is what is most popular and puts more images of stylish plus-size women in the public eye.

9. Plus size fashion often shows off society’s deemed “flaws” that most women have.

Regardless of their size, most women have stretch marks and their body forms rolls when they contort it. Although it is a rare moment that you will find any of these "flaws" in the image of a straight-size fashion model or blogger, you often find them being shown off proudly in photos of plus-size fashion.

Viewing these images and helping them spread in popularity can help to reduce the shame that you and women in general may feel around these naturally-occurring and extremely common "flaws."

10. Plus-size women and brands are killing it and have style inspiration that anyone can follow.

As the plus-size fashion industry has been growing, so have the options for plus-size women and, as a result, there are plenty of plus-size women with on-point style. Even if you can't buy the specific items that they're wearing, that doesn't mean you can't seek inspiration from their wardrobe, just as they sought inspiration from brands that didn't come in their size for decades.

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