10 Reasons Why Beer is Better Than Wine | The Odyssey Online
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10 Reasons Why Beer is Better Than Wine

In the battle of beer vs wine, beer will always reign supreme.

10 Reasons Why Beer is Better Than Wine

When it comes to drinking, people often either side with wine or beer. Hard liquor is in a category of its own. The truth is, though, that beer will always win.

1. You can track the amount of beer you’ve been drinking more easily.

Let's get the responsible reason out of the way immediately. No one gets a new glass every time they have more wine, but if you want more beer you usually have to grab a new bottle or can. Once your pile of empty bottles and cans starts to pile up, it’s easier to tell when you should maybe stop drinking.

2. Beer comes in its own drinking container.

Beer is almost always in a bottle or can. Occasionally it’ll be there in a keg. All of these things you can drink straight out of with minimal judgment. Drinking out of a bottle or box of wine? A lot less appropriate.

3. Beer lets you maintain your youth.

This is more of a figurative thing than literal, but no one ever gets nostalgic about the time they were sitting about the backup truck drinking a glass of wine. No, no. It’s the same story except you had a beer in your hand. It's also more likely that it was actually you and your friends shotgunning a beer at a tailgate.

4.Beer drinking games are easy to find, wine drinking games are not.

Beer has pong, flip cup, chesties, and so much more. Wine has…slap the bag? You can’t even play that if the wine comes in a bottle. Beer reigns supreme.

5. There’s expensive and nice beer and there’s also cheap beer.

Sam Adams’ Utopias are sold for $150/700ml. Or you could just go get a 48 pack of Kirkland light at Costco. If that fails, there’s always Natty Light and PBR.

6. You can get more beer for cheaper.

The cheapest bottle of wine I’ve ever seen was about $12. You can also get a pack of beer for that. There’s more bang for your buck when you buy beer

7. Beer is acceptable at every event.

Bringing beer to a tailgate? Perfect. Bringing beer to the housewarming party? Awesome. Drink beer on stage at an award show? Sure. Bringing wine to a tailgate? Who are you??

8. No one ever craves an “ice-cold wine."

When it’s hot outside no one mentions that cold glass of wine they’re going to have when they get home. No, they mention that cold brew they’re going to grab out of the fridge.

9. Beer commercials are better.

The Budweiser commercials with the Clydesdale and the puppy will always be one of the best commercial series out there. Does wine even have commercials?

10. People don’t stick their feet in your beer.

When you think about it, all the other arguments are irrelevant.

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