Finals week is the bane of a college student’s existence. It is filled with never-ending tests, papers, and presentations. The homework literally never stops. I’m the type that can’t stay away from the gym even when there are many assignments that I could be spending my time doing. Going to the gym can be great stress relief, and we all could use that during finals week. Working out is also a time to challenge your body. Here are some exercises that suck almost as much as finals week. If your brain feels like it’s on fire during finals week, your muscles might as well be too.
1. Pistol Squats
One-legged squats? Yay. Try not to lose your balance.
2. Overhead Squats
If killing your legs isn’t enough, why not add some shoulder work in?
3. Turkish Getups
As if getting up isn’t already hard enough.
4. Burpee Box Jumps
I hate burpees with my entire being, but they are a great exercise. Adding a box jump at the end adds some plyometric work.
5. Handstand Push Ups
Yes, I am referring to doing a push up while standing on your hands. I’ve never attempted them, but it’s something to work towards!
6. Plyo Push Ups
This is another difficult push up variation. It’s somewhat like doing box jumps with your arms.
7. Double-Unders
This popular Crossfit exercise is what I like to call extreme jump roping.
8. Pull Ups
This is a simple movement, but takes tremendous strength. I worked on pull ups for a long time before I was able to do them without some form of assistance.
9. Wall Sits and Planks
I grouped these together because they’re both painful and make time slow down.
10. Weighted flips? Whatever this guy is doing: