10 Dating Myths That Will Destroy Your Love Life If You Keep Believing Them
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10 Dating Myths That Will Destroy Your Love Life If You Keep Believing Them

Once a cheater, aways a cheater is not always true. Don't ignore someone for a mistake.

10 Dating Myths That Will Destroy Your Love Life If You Keep Believing Them

There are so many myths about dating and how people should behave in a relationship. The thing about relationships though, is that there is no "right" one or "perfect" example. Everyone loves differently. Everyone has different flows because that may be what works in your relationship. Here are several dating myths , debunked.

1. Once a cheater, always a cheater.

This aphorism has been around forever. I heard my mom say it and I heard, "A leopard never changes his spots." We can all acknowledge that cheating is bad, but should that ruin a possible relationship for you? No. Because there may have been other factors that you don't know. People do change and people do make dumb mistakes. Don't lose out on a relationship because someone f*cked up. It'd be a disservice to you and to them.

2. Jealousy is not healthy.

Jealousy can be healthy in moderation. But there are levels. If someone is going through your phone or calling you out for checking the opposite sex out then maybe have a talk about boundaries or what they feel that way. I, myself, struggle with jealousy but I'm honest and upfront, which allows my relationship to be more fulfilling. Just say, "I think that girl/guy is into you and it seems like you aren't aware and giving them mine signals, it bothers me. Can you say something to them?" Easy peasy.

3. Fighting is a bad sign in a relationship.

Fighting is healthy in a relationship, especially at first. Fighting helps couples work out kinks in their relationships so that they can prosper later in their relationship. Holding in anger and resentment is what is a bad sign because then you make make a rash decision when everything comes bubbling out.

4. Being comfortable with silence means you lost your relationship's spark.

Or being comfortable in general is one of the myths I hear. I think that is a load of bull. Maybe you don't have pictures to post on instagram after an envy worthy date anymore, but hey, that's okay. I'd rather chill at home in my ugliest sweats with no makeup, eat Chinese, and watch some crappy show than go out now. It doesn't mean, we lost our spark, it means we don't need to show off. Couples get into competitions, especially with social media being so prominent but don't feel bad or feel like "you don't do anything fun anymore." Laying on the couch and playing video games IS fun, which will cause your and your SO to bond even more.

5. If you date an older man, you are a whore and gold-digger.

Or if you date an older woman, she is a cougar only using you for sex. This myth is annoying because it's constantly perpetuated by society and it's ideals on "morally acceptable." Just remember, the society that says age gap dating is wrong also elected a racist, sexists, xenophobic president. You decide what is right for you, not society. Age gap dating is normal within reason. For example, if you are 16 and trying to date a thirty year old, go home and watch the newest Disney movie. But if you are twenty five dating a fifty year old then so what? Go for it. Screw norms.

6. Learn to love yourself before loving another.

This can be true but I find more often than not, that women and men who have insecurities and problems with self-esteem find more comfort in having someone to build them up when they are feeling down. I think falling in love despite not feeling yourself can give you the confidence and security you need. When someone loves you, it can help you love yourself where you couldn't before.

7. You have to have sex regularly to be happy long term.

Sex is subjective depending on the couple's preferences. Some couples never have sex, some couples have sex everyday. It really doesn't matter how much you have sex, it's communicating your sex drive. It's awkward to talk about but if you have corresponding sex drives, you'll be fine. Even if you don't have corresponding sex drives, having the conversation opens up the topic and gives the couple a place to negotiate.

8. Love your SO's faults.

Okay, so you should love some flaws your SO has that aren't damaging to the person or the relationship. I love my boyfriends birthmark. I love to kiss it, even though it's technically a flaw. But that flaw is so attractive to me. But I don't like how he comes down on his weight, so I try to help him in changing his mindset. If it's a bad flaw, learn to love it but also try to help your SO be better and happier. The little things don't matter, but the big things that are harmful do.

9. Having a baby or getting married will fix all the problems.

This is why we have so much divorce. That or people marry for convince. They are thirty, with someone they don't love but don't hate, so they marry the open option. That's just not the way to live. Being married won't help if you guys are struggling. Pushing forward through trouble isn't good, instead you should regress and try to pin point where things went wrong and work on it. On that note, trying to trick someone into staying with you through getting pregnant won't help you fix the relationship.

10. You can't date out of your league.

Say you are a six but your SO is a solid ten, people always will ask one of you why you are together or who has a weird problem. But it's a myth that couples can't succeed if they are imbalanced looks wise. They are together for a reason and you may find the love of your life if you look past the shell. Don't be shallow.

These are some myths I have heard in my day to day life and I just thought I would share my thoughts and shed some light on how there are grey areas when dating. There is no set way and what I say isn't always right either.

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