Recently, and more so now that I’m away at college, I keep finding myself thinking about the future. I’ve always felt like I have such potential to accomplish great things. I just feel it. However, I haven’t really accomplished super great things yet. I think I have an expectation for myself that I have to change the world, that people should know my thoughts and ideas. I want people to remember what I did after I’m gone. I want to make other people’s lives better. However, I haven’t really accomplished super great things yet. It’s weird being at a time in my life where I’m just preparing. Preparing for something bigger, something that is not what I’m doing now. I’m not really sure why I just want to jump into changing the world now. I want to do things now. The waiting, preparing, and staying quiet…that’s just not my thing.
The more I think about it though, and analyze what type of things I’ve actually accomplished, I realize that I’ve done a lot of really cool things. I like thinking about everything I’ve survived or lived through and the list adds up quickly. Things like travelling, writing, graduating, dancing, praying, and making it through some of the most boring lectures of my life recently are all little things that make a difference. It’s changed your life and while you are doing it, you’ve been able to affect others. Who knows if I’ve affected someone’s life like how many others have affected mine?
Even if I have to wait, I’m ready to do big things. I’m ready to create things and say things and share things and make people think. But I think I already have, and I think you have too. Each experience shapes us into the person we are, and that person shapes the others that they interact with, even if you don't know it. Just think about it- how many people have you come in contact with that have made you think or make you want to change? There are so many I couldn't count. The people that effect us surround us. And I think we all have that quality about us, the quality that has our souls yearning to be heard.
You were made as an individual. There was a reason you were made- there is a reason you were made.
You will be heard. You will make a difference, because you already have. Just wait on it.