Women Against Feminism: You're Not Getting It
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Women Against Feminism: You're Not Getting It

12 popular posts on the WAF Facebook page that prove they just don't understand feminism.

Women Against Feminism: You're Not Getting It

I'm always interested in hearing out the views from the men and women who strongly believe that we don't need feminism in today's world. If I've learned anything from this, it's that the "I don't need feminism" posts are based solely on misinformation and ignorance.

"Because the men in my life care about and respect me."

Well, I'm more than happy for you. Trust me, congrats! But if for one second you think every other person on this planet is surrounded by constant respect, you're sadly mistaken. "Yeah... they do exist" proves my point exactly -- that they aren't everywhere and easy to find, you know that. They exist in some people's lives, but not everyone's lives. So I'm glad you feel like you "don't need feminism" but this is no reason to believe other's wouldn't.

"Because my sex life is not a political agenda."

If you don't want your sex life to be a political agenda...this would actually be why you do need feminism. I get it, you don't want your body being apart of the political side of life, I don't blame you. But in order for this to even take effect we do need feminism. With feminism comes the idea that your sex life is your call, not someone else's call.

"Because it demonizes traditional family constructs."

If you consider "traditional family constructs" to be the women becoming a stay at home mother, while the father works--than you're right feminism does effect that idea. However, feminism does not "demonize" this way of life. Feminism simply strives to show women that you do not have to be a stay at home mom. If you want to go out in the working world, do it. If you want to stay at home, do it. If you're the father and you want to be a stay at home dad, do it. Feminism is about equality, so everyone has an equal right to decide what they want to do. We aren't shaming any mother who wants to stay at home, and you shouldn't be shaming feminism for encouraging women who don't want that.

"Because a world without men would suck."

Please find me a reliable source that tells you that feminism strives for a world without men. Newsflash: plenty of men are feminists.

"Because I'm not a manipulative idiot playing victim."

Considering feminists regularly stand up for themselves and decided to fight for themselves when others weren't, I'm not really sure how that's us "playing the victim." If you think cold hard facts about women's health care, the wage gap, and gender roles are "playing the victim" you should probably reevaluate what that statement means.

"Playing the victim" is the fabrication of victimhood for a variety of reasons such as to justify abuse of others, to manipulate others, a coping strategy or attention seeking.

"Because I don't choose to ignore the fact that men have issues too."

Men do have issues in today's world-- and feminist know that. The fight for equality for women, also means equality for men. Once we are able to do away with societies strict ideas of what it means to be a women, down come the strict ideas of what it means to be a man. Feminism changed the way rape against a man was viewed, the safety in male prisons, available services for men by Planned Parenthood, the stigma with male teachers or nurses and so much more. Want to be a stay at home dad? Want time off when you're partner has your baby? Support feminism.

"Because I don't need something that tells me the actions of a slut are okay..."

I'm not really sure where your definition of a "slut" came from or why you even believe that you, or anyone else has the right to decide if that title fits someone. I'm assuming you are referring to not agreeing with the inability to bring up the victims sex life during a rape case, which I have to say there is nothing wrong with. Any women, or man, can have sex with as many consenting partners are they want. That's not for you, or anyone else to decide. That choice also shouldn't be frowned upon and seen as a reason for being raped. It's as simple as that. No one, regardless of sexual history, is "asking for it" and feminism is here to remind you of that.

"Because I like it when men compliment my body."

Join the club, the members include myself and tons of other feminists. There is nothing wrong with being complimented, even when it comes to your body. Who doesn't appreciate that? Now, what I don't appreciate is unsolicited sexual comments on my body from strangers. Even more than not appreciating those comments, I don't appreciate the stranger's self-given right to make these comments.

"Because being female is seriously the best."

First, I just want to point out that feminism isn't just an American notion. It's something the whole world needs. Maybe to you, being a female is "the best" but it sure as hell isn't "the best" for every other woman out there. Just because you aren't directly affected by some forms of discrimination, doesn't mean that you should just turn a blind eye towards them. Caucasian women earn 78 cents to every dollar a Caucasian man earns, and African American women are only at 62 cents and Hispanic women at 54 cents. The world being good enough for you, doesn't mean it's good enough for everyone else.

"Because I don't need to grow my body hair to prove I'm equal to men."

100% this is a joke right? Nobody ever asked you to grow body hair, and you're right that's not needed to prove you're equal to men. However, the end to gender roles, and equal pay and rights are needed to prove both genders are equal.

"Because I love chivalry."

When did feminism start meaning you can't want equal rights and appreciate chivalry? It's like those girl's who say they can't be a feminist because they enjoy having the door held open for them or dinner being paid for. That's great, but has nothing to do with not being able to support feminism. The point is, you can hold the door open for yourself and you could buy your own meal. If you want to do that, do it. If you want to let someone be chivalrous, let them. It's your choice-- but loving chivalry is no argument against feminism.

"Because I want to promise my man to love him, honor him and obey him."

"Obey" means to submit to the authority of, so on that word I can't say I agree with you. However as far as "honor" and "love" I don't see how any feminist would have an issue with that. Plenty of feminist are married or in relationships, believing in the equality between genders doesn't effect the love we have for our partner. Feminism isn't about bringing men down, and I'm not sure how many times we have to say this.

If going through the Women Against Feminism Facebook page has taught me anything, it's that the majority of people's arguments on here are purely from being uneducated as to what feminism is really about. Anyone can look at the radical side of things and decide to refuse seeing he truth behind the what feminism means and what it has changed in the world.

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