Will Trump Win the 2020 Election?
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Will Trump Win the 2020 Election?

That's the billion dollar question

Will Trump Win the 2020 Election?

Back in the day, not so long ago when America was naive to the real Donald "You're Fired" Trump, I predicted to my friends and family that he would win the presidential elections. I have always had a strong intuition about these types of things, but my nature always made me lean towards the underdog regardless. Trump was no underdog, so my assertion baffled my loved ones, though in that race neither Hillary nor Trump was an underdog so my intuition took over and I just knew he would win. As we are well into what is now definitely a government shut down I have to wonder will 2020 spell victory for Trump once more? If the midterm elections are anything to go by, I would say there is a 50-50 chance and here's why:

Everyone thought the midterms was a slam dunk, well everyone on the left at least. I have to admit with a President at war with the media it is getting difficult to decipher what is fact and what is fiction. Needless to say, the state of affairs remains poignant. The tension is palpable to all. And for this reason, I expected a landslide for both the Senate and the House in favor of the Democrats but this was not the case.


1. No president is perfect. Some have come close though in my opinion; most have embodied that all endearing quality of being "Presidential". Trump does not. He, in my opinion, is the antithesis of "Presidential".

2. Most Presidents try to be inclusive to represent, make or support laws and or changes that will benefit the majority at large. Trump does not. He supports or makes laws that support one type of majority and it definitely does not look like me or anyone considered ethnic.

3. Most Presidents tell the truth or some version of it centered in reality. Trump does not. The weirdest thing is Trump operates on the cut your nose to spite your face precedence. Case in point the current government shut down. And his supporters seem to operate on the same cut your nose to spite your face premise. First, Mexico was going to pay to build the wall, now Americans are going to pay for it with our tax dollars. The best part of it is that Trump just lies and states that Mexico is paying for it through the USMCA Trade Deal. Why did I say his supporters operated on the same premise, I bet many who are affected by the government and those who will be most affected by the upcoming recession will still stand by Trump bolstering his 2020 chances.

4. Most Presidents have an ego but Trump trumps them all (pun intended).

I could go on and on but I won't. Why? Because it seems that despite these obvious flaws and I have named only a handful, people love Trump.

And that is why he may have a chance to win again. To me, Trump signifies the white male in America. In corporate America, white men already have all the odds stacked in their favor but if you've ever encountered a bad boss, you may find more often than not those drunk with power are hell bent to corrupt the system, cheating and destroying their way to the top. I mean Trump only had a 1.5 million dollar loan from his father to start out? Delusional much?! But still insists on putting in place backhanded deals that continue to stack the chips in his favor to this day.

At home and in American neighborhoods, the white male life matters. Revered and looked upon with respect. Can walk through stores with the assumption of being non-threatening and the assumption that he always has the money to pay, whether that be the case or not. Even when a white male poses a threat to his life matter. You have seen videos of a white male with a gun and mental problem posing a real danger and cops shoot but once to disarm him. But again white lives matter.

What has all of this got to do with his 2020 campaign. Well, my point is with all these character flaws and even though he has every silver spoon and advantage a person can inherit, he would still lie, cheat and destroy his way to power. So Presidential. Trump's 2020 coming to you soon. Make America Grace-Less Again for another four years

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