Sorority recruitment is a process those in Greek life don't even think twice about, but can definitely seem weird to those on the outside. One especially weird trend that the rest of the world seemed to have just discovered is the door stack. Sororities all around the country have been doing this for a long time, but the rest of the world started to take notice when a video of Alpha Delta Pi at the University of Texas went viral overnight. Here's the video.
If you ask any sorority girl, they'll tell you that these girls have a pretty good door stack. However, people who aren't in sororities would say it's quite terrifying. People on the Internet freaked out over this video. They compared it to the opening of the gates of hell and joked about how it gave them nightmares. This video has circulated around the Internet so much that the sorority had to delete it off of their personal account because of all the criticism it has gotten.
I can definitely see how door stacks are kind of weird, but I don't see how they're terrifying. Greek life is definitely a unique culture that is hard to understand. Sororities spend weeks practicing these door stacks and songs until they're perfect. I personally think they're cute. The thing that probably makes door stacks scary to people is the fact that it is associated with Greek life. Seeing a choir of people standing in formation and singing is normal in most instances, so why is it scary when sororities do it?
The stigma around sororities makes it seems like a creepy cult or a big high school clique, but that's simply not what it is. Joining a sorority brings true friendships, not the superficial fake friendships that the media paints sorority life to be. Sororities do philanthropy work locally and nationally. Despite this, people still see them as something to fear. The reason this video, and many other Greek videos of the past, has gone viral is all because of misunderstanding. While some of the jokes people made about it are funny, they all are helping to keep up the stereotype that sororities disprove every single day.
The first time that I saw a door stack during recruitment, I did feel a little overwhelmed, but I also felt excited and loved the catchy songs that the sororities sang. I can definitely see how they are a pretty weird tradition, but I wouldn't exactly call them nightmare fuel. The only scary thing about door stacks is how sore your legs get from staying in that same position for so long.