Meg From "Hercules" Is The Spirit Animal For Single Women On Valentine's Day | The Odyssey Online
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Meg From "Hercules" Is The Spirit Animal For Single Women On Valentine's Day

“No man is worth the aggravation.”

Meg From "Hercules" Is The Spirit Animal For Single Women On Valentine's Day

February. It’s the month women in relationships love and single women hate because of that one Hallmark holiday that has no significance except to exploit your relationship status. Valentine’s Day, or what others like to call “Singles Awareness Day” (S.A.D. for short).

As the date comes closer I realize that some women like the typical pink and red junk that can be frantically bought at last minute runs to the drug store and yet others don’t appreciate it at all. But it seems as though the quickly strengthening movement of the feminists suggest the latter.

Megara, or Meg, from the Disney movie "Hercules" is the absolute embodiment of this movement. She doesn’t hate men; she just doesn’t have a particular interest in them. She wants love but she’s not desperately searching for it. She knows her worth isn’t in a man nor is it in being able to tell her family she has found her significant other.

She can handle herself.

She gets into less than ideal situations but she can also get herself out of them. She don’t need no man. No hero necessary. She is perfectly capable on her own.

She’s doing her own thing.

She’s not looking for any guy’s attention. She’s not waiting to be completed by a man. She’s just living life, doing stuff and Hercules expects her to swoon at the sight of him. Uh, nuh. It is received with much sarcasm and those sassy hips.

She doesn’t want a cookie cutter relationship.

She’s different and she wants a different kind of love. Not a damsel waiting for a rescuer. Not a girl waiting to find a boy. Not a dozen roses, cheap chocolate hearts, flashy jewelry, and giant stuffed animals.

She’s not into playing games.

She would rather be direct and up front instead of wasting time and emotions. She mocks the girls who #WasteHisTime2016 because it's not worth it.

She doesn’t want to hurt someone or be hurt herself.

First she didn’t trust Hercules to not ditch her, but then didn’t trust herself not to hurt him once she realized “Wonder Boy” was wonderful. She cares too much.

She’s the jaded hopeless romantic.

Basically all the lyrics of “I Won’t Say I’m In Love.” The internal battle of being done with men, but also wishing she could be swept off of her feet. Wanting to love someone but still holding on to trust issues. Desiring to have a fairytale of her own but struggling with her negative, realistic view of men. Admitting it to herself is worse than the feelings themselves.

Disney saw it 18 years ago and it’s truer today than it was then.

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