Why Everyone Should Consider Libertarianism
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Why Everyone Should Consider Libertarianism

The third party is becoming more well known as time progresses.

Why Everyone Should Consider Libertarianism
Libertarian Country

With the election that has come and gone, the Libertarian presidential candidate, Gary Johnson, became well known as a "3rd party option." As someone who politically identifies as a Libertarian, this is a move in the right direction for my party. If we become well known enough, we will eventually get a leg up in federal offices. Merriam-Webster defines the word libertarian as one who believes that people should be allowed to do and say what they want without any interference from the government. It also means one who is an advocate of free will, and a member of a political party advocating libertarian principles. Lucky for those who may feel that way, there is a party for you. It's called the Libertarian Party.

The party itself was founded in 1971 in Westminster, Colorado. The slogan is "The Party of Principle." The mascot is a porcupine. The party is a mix between conservative and liberal views. To simplify, we are socially liberal, but economically/governmentally conservative. It is basically the happy medium that our country needs.

The party's website explains their platform, their stand on issues, and other various helpful information. For immigration, we believe that if they are peaceful, then they should travel freely. If not, then they should be punished or deported. We believe in equal civil rights for everyone. Basic rights (such as freedom of speech, press, religion, etc) are important and should always be protected and present to everyone. We are against invasion of privacy (unless there is a warrant). Guns are fine, too.

We are firm believers in the free market type of economy. Taxation is also theft, because everyone should be able to keep the fruits of their labor. Punishments should be adjusted according to the crime. For example, a murderer should face prison time rather than someone who had weed. As far as foreign policy goes, war should be a last resort, and more peaceful methods should be tried instead. The government should not be involved in healthcare (politicians are not doctors). Everyone should get to make their own healthcare decisions. Finally, the war on drugs is ineffective because people are seeking out drugs from the black market. The party platform itself is very balanced. I'd include it, but it would cause this piece to double in length. Summed up, we believe in free will and expressing rights, as long as it won't infringe on others' rights.

There are some fairly well known libertarians in American history. According to Libertarianism, Thomas Jefferson is one of them. Mother Jones also listed John Locke, Rose Wilder Lane (daughter of Laura Ingalls Wilder, author of Little House on the Prairie), Ayn Rand, Barry Goldwater, Ron Paul, and Jesse Ventura. So the concept of libertarian thought has been around for a very long time. The 2016 election was already historical in several ways, but according to Truth in Media, the number of voters registering as Libertarian has indeed increased. Democratic Party registrations has dropped between October 2014 and February 2016. It is the same with the Republican, Green, and Constitution parties. Perhaps many of these voters have moved to Libertarian.

The laws should not be based on personal preferences. If you do not like something, then don't participate in it. You don't have to agree with every law in place, or even participate in a current controversial issue (gun ownership, abortion, etc). We feel that these should be available to those who might need or want it. This is not asking for all to participate. The Libertarian Party stands strong on our freedoms, and upholding them. I hope that one day we can have a Libertarian president. It will be difficult with the established two-party system, but it is very possible. People tell me that I'm just a knock-off Republican. That is untrue because, throughout my education, I have become aware of the flaws, hypocrisy, and every from of -ism (sexism, racism, etc.) and phobia (transphobic, xenophobic, etc.) on both sides of the political spectrum. I refuse to be one-sided. I want to, and will continue to see, both sides. Thanks, Gary Johnson, for bringing more awareness to the party, and for making people realize that we do have another option. Our country doesn't always have to be one-sided.

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