More than 2.8 million servicemen and women have been killed or injured defending your freedom. | The Odyssey Online
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18 Reasons Why College Students Should Vote In Every Election, Especially Midterms

Young adults are the least likely demographic to vote, but here's 18 reason why they should.

18 Reasons Why College Students Should Vote In Every Election, Especially Midterms

Voting is your democratic right, and it's the best way for citizens to create change in the government. Despite this, a recent poll from the Public Religion Research Institute and the Atlantic shows only 28% of 18-29 year olds are "absolutely certain" they are voting. With so many divisive issues consuming American politics today, it's more important than ever to vote.

It's the basis of democracy.

Our country can not work if citizens do not vote. Democracy means "rule of the people." If the people do not rule, who will?

You can prove Baby Boomers wrong.

Older generations see Millennials and Gen Z as lazy and self-absorbed. This is disproven by groups like March for Our Lives, which was created by high school students. Voting allows you to join other young people in creating change.

Speaking of Baby Boomers, don't let them create a future they won't be around to witness.

Young voters are the ones who will be forced to live with the consequences of legislation that is being made now. Baby Boomers, who are the largest group of voters, are making decision that they won't have to live with. You will.

Uber will you take you there for free.

To encourage voting, especially in poorer communities, Uber has promised to offer free rides to those who need them to travel to the polls.

“We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” 

- Thomas Jefferson

65,000 individuals were wounded or killed in the Revolutionary War to create our country.

They fought for your right to participate and live in a democracy.

Suffragettes were arrested and tortured to allow women to vote.

Their struggles were all worth it; in 1920 the 19th Amendment was ratified.

40 lives were lost to guarantee the minority right to vote.

Their loss is remembered in the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

More than 2.8 million servicemen and women have been killed or injured defending your freedom.

Since 1775, almost 3 million US citizens have been casualties of war.

“Bad officials are elected by good citizens who don’t vote.”

- George Jean Nathan

It's easy to find a convenient location near you.

With over 100,000 locations to vote, there's a polling place near you.

Not voting means you're co-signing on everything that is going wrong in our country.

If you have issues with the world around you and you don't actively try to change things, then you are complacently allowing them to continue.

Every vote really does matter.

Elections can be extremely close. A New Hampshire Senate race was decided by two votes in 1974.

“If you don’t vote, you lose the right to complain.”

- George Carlin

In midterm elections, you vote for people who will directly affect you.

In midterms you don't vote for the president, but for local officials who have a much bigger impact on your day-to-day life.

Our generation is the most diverse yet, and we have more points of view than ever.

Despite the American Gen Z generation being 47% non-white, our Congress does not reflect this. If these young people vote in a way that reflects their heritage, then all of their rich backgrounds and cultures can be reflected in the government.

It's your civic responsibility.

Voting isn't required, but it's important if you want to be an active and effective citizen.

“Because the rest of us are depending on you.” 

- Marv DeBoy

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