What's On The Inside?
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What's On The Inside?

Honesty, service, and integrity can completely alter the performance of a leader.

What's On The Inside?
Radiant Forest LLC

Within the scope of leadership are numerous books and speeches aimed at developing a model that diagrams what a “good” or “successful” leader looks like. Some of these focus on extrinsic factors such as eloquence of speech, maintaining a respectable posture, or simply smiling more. However, there are also those that convey the importance of the inner workings of a leader. These tend to put emphasis on emotional stability, establishing personal values, or not spreading oneself too thin. Through my experience, I have found that, though both categories are important, the leader that is well-developed internally tends to find more success in fulfilling his or her responsibilities. Specifically, leaders that have established strong personal values are better equipped to handle the various expectations that come with leadership. It is my belief that the keys to successful leadership are found in honesty, service integrity.

In order to maintain a proper respect amongst those being led, a leader must commit to staying honest with them. There is an expectation placed upon leaders to not lead people astray. When given a role, title, or position of leadership, there are often times when telling something other than the truth is easier and less painful for both those giving and receiving the lie. However, lying to people for whatever reason is never acceptable. More often than not, the truth is eventually exposed anyway. A leader has the responsibility to face the facts and share with their followers the reality of the situation, no matter how ugly it might be. If a leader chooses to share a comforting lie amidst an awful reality, those to whom the lie is being shared will operate out of a false sense of security. Then, when the truth is eventually exposed, people end up feeling hurt by and anger towards their leader for not keeping them informed of the truth of the matter. In the end, the leader has lost the respect of his or her reports, and has caused more damage than the truth would have. Standing by honest principles is not always easy, but a leader will always find greater respect when he or she chooses what is right over what is comfortable.

Along with remaining truthful, leaders must dedicate themselves to serving those they lead. The title or position of authority leaders are given does not put them “above” others. In fact, it simply means the leader now has a deeper responsibility toward them. This is not to discount that leaders do have a stronger say in the dealings of a group or team, but to reinforce that with this privilege also comes more responsibility. The general population needs to feel confident that they can lean on the leader to pick up where they lack. It is also the duty of a leader to ensure that the members of the team have all that they need in order to be successful. If a leader chooses to view themselves as the “superior” figure and allows that to dictate their behavior, the team will notice. When being led, it is easy to tell when a leader has placed themselves on a pedestal and refuses to come down to the level of the rest of the group. This generally creates feelings of resentment towards the leader, as he or she is not putting the team or group ahead of themselves. On the contrary, when a leader is dedicated to the good of the team first, then the other members tend to do the same. They also tend to have a greater respect for the leader because they know he or she has their best interest in mind. Therefore, it is of vital importance for a leader to lay down his or her personal pride for the sake of serving the team.

With both of the aforementioned characteristics in place, the final quality a leader must possess is integrity. There are often cases where honesty and integrity are used synonymously, but I believe there is a relevant distinction that must be made between the two. The way I see it, honesty is about being truthful towards others, whereas integrity is about being truthful with yourself. Integrity is defined as, “the state of being whole and undivided.” When I first heard this term in 4th grade, it was defined as, “who you are when no one is watching.” Though the ideology behind the definitions differ, the key point is the same. Integrity is being the same all around with no division amongst the quality of the piece or person. In order to be successful as a leader, one must maintain an unwavering value system. Undoubtedly, leaders are going to face challenges and difficult decisions. However, those with integrity find these moments easier to overcome. When a leader has a strong set of beliefs to reflect upon, the right thing to do generally stands out amongst the alternatives. Integrity becomes most apparent when these decisions must be made on an individual level in a private setting. When there is no one around to call the leader out on his or her actions is the time when integrity is challenged. Leaders that can stand by their values no matter the situation are the ones that tend to find true success. Without integrity, a leader simply cannot lead well.

In combination with each other, honesty, service, and integrity can completely alter the performance of a leader. By choosing to remain truthful, a leader is instilling trust in those that he or she leads. When a leader comes down to the same level as the whole group, he or she is creating confidence and respect amongst its members. As a leader that stands by personal values in all situations, he or she is better able to overcome trying times. Leaders that put an emphasis on what’s inside before trying to make themselves look good on the outside will find that success begins to come naturally.

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