Mariah Knowles on Odyssey Mariah Knowles
Mariah Knowles

Mariah Knowles

Username: mariahknowles

Joined in August 2017

    I will use the Odyssey platform to bring in my perspectives on faith, diversity, academics, and desire for social change to the community's conversation. I believe that I have strong-rooted values that allow me to both be cognizant of my own perspectives, but also be mindful that others share different views, as well. I can contribute to the community's conversation with articles that inspire thought, create hope, and bring a positive light to concepts that may typically be discussed with a negative view. I do my best to stay aware of relevant issues in order to develop articles that not only discuss my thoughts, but relate back to the broader community. Through these different avenues, I believe my perspectives will contribute greatly to the community's conversation.

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