What's A Real Friend? | The Odyssey Online
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What's A Real Friend?

A Friend Is Your Person

What's A Real Friend?
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In our life we are not alone; we do not travel this world alone we have our family yet we also have these strangers who walk amongst us that sometimes become more than that. These strangers become friends and sometimes ever more, that they are so important to us that we considered them our family, a brother or even a sister. We do not know how is possible yet it happens we are not only gifted with a family but we are gifted with individuals in our life who also take that role.

Yet there are people who claim to be your friend but there are that. Have you ever heard of the phrase a wolf in sheep's clothing, or if not the famous saying, "Keep your friends close but your enemies closer." Pain doesn't just come from strangers it can come from the people who you think are your friends.

So what is a real friend you may ask? Here is a description of someone who actually does care about you.

A friend is someone who notices is when your sad.

A friend is someone who stands up for you when you are being wronged.

A friend is someone who when you are sad wants to make you laugh.

A friend is someone who will give you their arm to comfort you.

A friend is someone who will notice when you're gone.

A friend is someone who will spend hours listening to you vent on something.

A friend is someone who can be your motivator.

A friend is someone who sees not insecurities but beyond.

A friend is someone who will tell you the truth and not sugar quote anything.

A friend is someone who will escape the reality with you.

A friend is someone who will not judge you based on your actions.

A friend is someone who will make you fill welcome.

A friend will not ostracize you.

A friend will not make you feel insecure about yourself.

A friend will be there for you when everyone else has left.

A friend will believe in you when everyone else doubts you.

A friend is someone who will be your wing women.

A friend is someone who will cuddle with you.

A friend is someone who will drag you out to have a fun time.

A friend is someone who will try new things with you.

A friend is someone who though wants to kill you sometimes wouldn't have you no other way.

A friend is someone who doesn't mind your quirks.

A friend is your person

A friend is everything and more, do not allow someone to say they are your friend when they have done nothing but harm you, belittle you and stop you from being everything that you can be. Do not allow that to happen, no one is worth the price of your happiness. If you want your life to change you must take action and leave the people who harm you and have no good intention towards you. It is because you deserve everything and more you deserve to have people in your life who whish to see you succeed and more.

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