What's Between Your Legs? | The Odyssey Online
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What's Between Your Legs?

This question is none of your business.

What's Between Your Legs?

This is 2017, the year of change and we are still concerned about this question that has nothing to do with us. We live in a nation built on freedom and equality for both sexes no matter what you identify yourself as. But here we are still making comments regarding what a person has or doesn't have. If someone is transgender its just common decency to respect what they choose to identify themselves as. Or even if you don't understand what they are doing have enough respect to keep your crude comments to yourself.

First off it took their entire life for them to be able to own who they really are and for you to have the audacity to only respect someone who is gay or lesbian but not transgender is crazy to me. So lets just educate you on this topic doll face:

Transgender:is an umbrella term for people whose gender identity vary from what is typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth. Gender identity is someone's internal, personal sense of being a man or a woman (or as someone outside of that gender binary).

If a person decides to identify themselves as a male or a female you should go along with it because eventually Tina will be Tom for the remainder of HIS life, you might as well get used to it now.

Transgender people also face the largest suicide rate, and ill just go out on a limb here and say its because of the lack of support or constant bullying some of these innocent people have to go through just because they did this crazy thing no one does anymore and tried to be themselves. Be ashamed if you have ever made threats or rude comments towards someone because all you are doing is possibly contributing to their internal issues about things that are NONE OF YOUR CONCERN.

But the abuse doesn't stop there. These kids or even adults have been physically assaulted by their family members because they won't conform to what society thinks is okay. More males are prosecuted for their change to female than females are to males. So not only do they have to deal with your disrespectful ass comments and bullying but they get the pleasure of possibly going home and getting the life beaten out of them for their choice to be happy. Now isn't that something.

But wait there's more. There are only a few states that have laws in place that protect Transgender people. However, those that don't have any place means that they can still be reufsed work or even fired for their identity

Some people have even been turned away from receiving the health care that they need just because of their gender identity. Still don't feel bad? Imagine someone needing medication or a life saving treatment and their entire life hangs on the doctor they are meeting with, but because he/she doesn't understand what they are or simply doesn't support their decision they are turned away based on someone's prejudices. Welcome to America.

So you don't support/respect transgenders but you like Orange Is The New Black? Laverne Cox was the first TRANSGENDER to be nominated for an Emmy. I feel like there is sort of a double standard there, but that's just me.

I'm not asking you to change your complete views on this topic however, I do ask that you at least have respect for those transitioning, or of different sexual orientations. Treat those the way you want to be treated guys.

-I am not transitioning nor do I have any different sexual orientations but I do stand by and support those who are. Ill stand by them forever.

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