Sandra Bland: Dash Cam Video of Incident Released | The Odyssey Online
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Sandra Bland: Dash Cam Video of Incident Released

What was called a suicide is now being investigated as a murder.

Sandra Bland: Dash Cam Video of Incident Released
USA Today

Disturbing footage of the missing dash cam video has been released in the case of Sandra Bland, a 28-year-old civil rights advocate, who was found hanging in a Texas jail cell three days after being pulled over for a traffic stop.The case is now being investigated by the FBI as murder. Her death was previously ruled a suicide by "self-inflicted asphyxiation" according to the Waller County Sheriff's Office in a press release on July 14th, but this is becoming very hard to believe. Bland's family, friends and thousands of supporters say that they suspect foul play and are demanding justice.

According to Heavy News, Bland, an Illinois resident, was in Waller County, TX for a job interview at her alma mater Prairie View A&M University as a student outreach officer. She got the job and planned to begin working on July 15. She was stopped on her way home for a routine traffic violation-improper signaling of a lane change.

The dash cam video of the incident has been released, but according to, there are several jumps in the video. In a released statement, DPS spokesperson Tom Vinger stated that the video was not edited and it was affected in upload and is being addressed. He also stated that they are working to report the dash cam video.

Dash cam evidence shows how things escalated quickly after officer Glenn Smith demanded Bland to put out her cigarette. We have learned that Glenn Smith, the Waller County sheriff who oversaw Bland's in-custody death, "was suspended for documented cases of racism when he was chief of police in Hempstead, Texas, in 2007" and was also fired as chief of police for racist remarks in Hempstead, according to The Daily Kos.

Bland was arrested and charged with alleged “assault on a public servant,” a third degree felony according to a report on July 10th. Glenn claimed that he had been kicked by Bland during the arrest, but Glenn can be heard telling Bland she was under arrest before she even got out of the car.

After Bland's arrest she made a court appearance on the next day, and was sent back to jail with a $5,000 bond. Two nights in jail later, Sandra was found unconscious. CPR was performed immediately, but she was pronounced dead shortly after.

In a by-stander video we can be see Bland held down by several officers with her face in the ground while she argues that they are being too rough, and that repeating "I can't wait till we go to court!" She knew what she was talking about because USA Today later reported that the state trooper "violated the department's procedures regarding traffic stops and the department's courtesy policy," while arresting Bland. This is not a surprise when you consider that 84% of police officers admitted that they have witnessed fellow officers use more force than necessary as stated by the U.S. Department of Justice research report.

Bland had a lot to say during her violent encounter with the Waller County Police. This is confirmed by Waller County Sheriff who stated that Bland was "combative and argumentative." In the bystander video, she can be heard yelling, "All of this for a traffic stop?" She can also be heard expressing her pain to the officers, "You just slammed my head into the ground. Do you not even care about that? I can't even hear!"

"It appears she had used a trash bag to hang herself from a partition in the ceiling, which was used to give inmates privacy," said Elton Mathis, district attorney of Waller County. Critics question why then there was a replaced trash bag in the photo of her jail cell, and they mention how it is suspected that someone placed this trash can there for the photo. The Waller County Sheriff Department claims that a video shows Bland alone in her cell before her death, but a video has not been released.This gap of evidence in the time frame of events was troubling for those that knew Sandra. A friend of Bland, LaVaughn Mosely said, "I talked to her Friday (one week ago) and she was in good spirits. Although she was incarcerated she was in good spirits. She was looking forward to posting bond Saturday and getting out. So you don’t go from that to hanging yourself.”

Many shared this disbelief with Bland's family and friends. On Friday, more than 100 people gathered outside the county jail in Hempstead, Texas to stage a protest for Bland. They shouted, “No justice, no peace. Sandra still speaks!” Protesters refer to Sandra’s frequent Facebook videos and posts where she would often speak about black life in America and civil rights. In a recent Facebook video, Bland said “Being a black person in America is very, very hard. Bland also spoke about making a difference through social media and about being outspoken. This is heartbreaking for those that believe she was murdered. Bland inspired several hash tags on Twitter such as #JusticeForSandy, #SandySpeaks, and #IfIDieInPoliceCustody. All of these Twitter users believe Bland’s death was not a suicide.

There has been similar cases of alleged suicides which make Bland's case even more questionable. With cases such as Kindra Chapman, an 18-year-old African-American Alabama resident, who one day after Sandra Bland, was found hanging by her bed sheets in a Homewood City Jail just under an hour and a half after being booked for a first degree robbery charge for allegedly taking a cellphone. There is also Kimberlee Randale-King, a 21 year old African-American woman who was jailed for a street fight in September of 2014, who was found hanging by a t-shirt in a Pagedale jail cell.

Although her family and friends still demand answers, the facts about what happened to Bland while in police custody still remains unclear.

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