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15 Types Of Alcoholic Beverages And What Your Favorite Says About You

Please don't tell me that it's Four Loko...

15 Types Of Alcoholic Beverages And What Your Favorite Says About You

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Ever look at someone's drink and make an immediate assumption about that person? In many instances, the drink of your choice can say a lot about you. That being said, every description in this article is meant to be a joke, so try not to take it too seriously! Without further ado, let's take a look at what you're favorite drink says about you.

1. Pink Whitney


If Pink Whitney is your favorite, you know how to have a good time...almost too much of a good time. You love to socialize and meet new people while also getting way too drunk. Everyone loves partying with you! You're also most likely a bad bitch.

2. Fireball


If Fireball is your favorite, you're a little bit insane, but you're also super fun! Although people don't like to admit it, Fireball mixes well with a lot of drinks and it's one of the few whiskeys that actually tastes good. Therefore, you have good taste if this is one of your favorites, and you probably have a bit of spice and sass in your personality.

3. Tito's


I don't know a single person who drinks Tito's for fun, so if this is your favorite you probably drink it with the purpose of getting plastered. You're a little crazy, but also a champion because Tito's is no joke, so I have major respect for you.

4. Barefoot Moscato


You are most likely a young woman who watches "The Bachelor" religiously if Barefoot Moscato is your favorite alcoholic drink. You probably down this wine like it's juice and love having chill wine nights with your girlfriends that turn into a night of getting too drunk.

5. Busch Light


If Busch Light is your favorite drink and your go to beer, you are probably a broke college frat boy who will take whatever you can possibly get. This drink has barely any flavor and is straight up nasty. I commend you for putting up with drinking this, but if it's your favorite then please try to branch out.

6. Malibu


If Malibu is your go to drink, then you usually pair it with Coke or juice in a mixed drink. You're a little basic, but you would just rather have a nice mixed drink over a beer. You also probably wish you were on a tropical island laying in the sun right now. On the other hand, if you take shots of Malibu...I honestly have many questions for you, like why?

7. White Claw


It's no secret that if White Claw is your favorite, you're probably basic but you also don't give a crap about what anyone thinks of you. You love to have fun while also drinking fewer calories and you're probably a bad bitch. You know what they say, ain't no laws when you're drinking claws.

8. Jose Cuervo Margaritas


If Jose Cuervo is your favorite drink, you're probably a short girl who loves to party. Tequila has never been a friend of mine, but I have to admit that Jose Cuervo's ready to go margaritas taste pretty good. You love a drink with a lot of flavor and kick to it because it puts you in the mood to dance your ass off.

9. Svedka


If Svedka is your favorite, then there's a likely chance that you are new to drinking and this is one of the first drinks that you're trying. Just take my advice and don't go too crazy with the Svedka, it could leave you with some bad memories.

10. Bud Light


If you love to drink Bud Light, you're probably a pretty chill person who gets along well with everyone you meet. You might be balling on a budget, but you're a step higher than the people who drink Busch Light. You're also most likely a man, or you're a girl who is known as one of the guys.

11. Smirnoff Ice


If you drink Smirnoff Ice anytime other than when you get "iced" as a joke, you probably are a lightweight who has yet to branch out to other drinks. That's not to say that Ices don't taste good, I actually enjoy the taste, but drinking them casually is generally a strange look. In that case though, maybe you just don't care what others think of you! I respect that.

12. Deep Eddy


If Deep Eddy is your favorite liquor, you probably love lemonade and love to get hammered. You like to experiment with mixing different flavors in drinks and you love fruity drinks. If you take shots of this, you love the feeling of your mouth being on fire with alcohol and you're a little bit crazy.

13. Angry Orchard


If Angry Orchards are your drink of choice, you're probably pretty laid back and love to dress casually and love to wear sweaters. You're always in the autumn mindset of coziness and comfort. Everyone gets along with you and you have good taste.

14. Twisted Teas


If Twisted Teas are your favorite, then you're probably a younger college student who is trying not to be too basic, but is still a little bit unoriginal. You like to party without going too crazy, but still like to have fun and socialize.

15. Four Loko


Good lord if this is your favorite...please just seek help. That is all.

Full disclosure: I am 21 years old. Please drink responsibly and only drink if you are of age! Also, please remember that these are only jokes and are not meant to be taken seriously.

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