What You'll Need To Know When You Turn 21
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What You'll Need To Know When You Turn 21

A user's guide to the adult right of passage.

What You'll Need To Know When You Turn 21

There are four birthdays everyone looks forward to when they grow up. When they become a teenager, when they can drive, when they become an adult and when they can drink. It’s the plot point of several college movies and a major coming-of-age milestone. Usually, the special day involves a party at 10 p.m., so the younger friends can visit then going to the bars promptly at midnight to soak in as much 21-ness as early as possible. Sometimes, the older friends will mentor the fledgling on bar culture (unfortunately, it’s not always "Sex and the City"). Other times, when the little birdie flies the nest, they learn all on their own. So, for those 21-year-old waifs, here’s a guide for you.

1. How to open up a tab

There are three ways to pay for drinks. If you’re not one of the lucky ones getting free cocktails and shots from your adoring fans and those who want to sleep with you, you choose between paying per drink and opening a tab. While the more economically-friendly choice is paying per drink, the more popular is opening a tab. There’s always something romantic about telling a bartender, “Just put it on my tab,” and actually mean it in the proper context. While you might plan to pay the final bill in cash, bartenders need something to use as a collateral of sorts so you do pay for it and to keep track of which party ordered what. They will need some kind of debit card or credit card while you rack up drinks. The tab will obviously be under whatever name is on the card, and when it’s time to close out, you can pay whichever way you want. Just be prepared for the sticker shock.

2. Barhop management

Tradition states that unless there is one particularly important bar, the person of honor should go to as many bars in the area as they can. Or at least they plan to. However, sometimes they’ll get wrapped up in one bar because they’re having such a great time, or they get too drunk by bar number two. As a good rule of thumb, drink one or two drinks per bar depending on how many you plan to go to and how well you want to remember it. Since it’s easy to get free drinks on your birthday, this is also the cheaper option.

3. You don’t have to go out at midnight.

Unfortunately, our government has not made the day after your 21st birthday a personal holiday, so we have to deal with work or the exam the next day. We aren’t all lucky enough to have a birthday on the weekend. One remedy is to go out the night on the birthday to optimize more bar time. Some bars close at 1 a.m. on weeknights, and 2 a.m. on weekends. You can also get to the bars earlier if you aren’t close to a weekend. Personally, because my birthday was on a Monday, I waited a bit before I went out. I may not have received as many free drinks, but it was still a great time.

4. Post-21 lifestyle

Before you turn 21, the idea of drinking and getting away with it has a particular allure to it. The parties and the sneaking has a rush of their own that gives even the most well-behaved boys and girls a tingle. However, once you turn 21, you no longer get that rush of cleverly-disguised vodka-filled water bottles and Powerade with UV Blue. With the new access to bars and Binny’s, the challenge is gone. It’s like R-rated movies. You loved them when you had to watch them while your parents were out, but once they decided it was OK, you went back to your Disney VHS tapes. Sure bars are still fun, but now you get the new grown-up allure of drinking cocktails at a bar like Carrie Bradshaw (I know I said it isn’t all like "Sex and the City," but let me dream).

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