What I Wish I Knew In High School
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What I Wish I Knew In High School

Good times, bad times, happy times, sad times, hard times, fun times, and everything in between.

What I Wish I Knew In High School

High school can be a very different time for everyone. No two high school experiences are the same, partly due to the idea that no two people are the same. For me, high school was full of good times, bad times, happy times, sad times, hard times, fun times, and everything in between. It wasn't like it is portrayed in movies and tv shows, but it was a great experience nonetheless. I hear people often talking about missing high school or wanting to go back. Going back to high school might be fun for a while. Knowing then what I know now, things could have been different in a lot of ways. Here are some things I wish I had known a few years back...

I wish I would have known that while high school matters to an extent, it isn't permanent.

High school is a very small time frame in your life compared to what else is ahead of you. Beyond high school, no one really cares if you were Homecoming Queen. No one is going to care if you played every single sport imaginable and scored in every single game. That state championship ring isn't going to matter as much as you thought it would. The 65 you got on your US History test that made you think it was the end of the world? You won't remember it. Your college professors won't know about it. The popular group that you tried to fit in with? You'll meet new friends. The guy who you wanted to ask you to prom that didn't? You'll forget about it. Being at the top of your class probably won't even be brought up in college. You don't have to be in every single club. Getting involved is important, but don't overdo it.

My advice: Stay present in where you are, but realize that who you were in high school isn't who you will always be.

I wish I would not have taken as many AP classes.

Having the opportunity to take multiple AP classes doesn't necessarily mean that you should. Sure, they can help with getting college credit. It has been nice not having to take several General Education classes in college. But there's a fine line between getting a little ahead and doing way too much. Taking 12 AP classes in high school brought me into college my freshman year as a sophomore. Being ahead is great, but college isn't a sprint. You shouldn't try to rush through it as fast as possible. AP classes can be great and very educational, but you shouldn't put extreme stress on yourself just to maybe get one college credit. You don't have to prove your intelligence to anyone by the number of AP classes you are taking.

My advice: Take one or two AP classes. Maybe three or four if you're feeling ambitious. Not 12. Not six in one year. Just don't do it. The stress and staying up until 2 a.m. reading a textbook isn't worth it.

I wish I wouldn't have wished it away.

There came a point in my high school career where I was just so ready to get to college. It's not wrong to look forward to the future, but when looking forward to the future keeps you from enjoying the present, that is when the problem arises. Make the most of where you are when you are there. Go to high school football games. Stay up late with friends. Dress up and go all out for spirit week. Go out of your way to make new friends.

My advice: High school is four years. It sounds like a long time, but it's over before you know it. Make the most of it.

I wish I would have asked for help when I needed it.

This is mainly referring to classwork, but can refer to other things as well. If you don't understand how to do chemistry, don't be afraid to ask. If the calculus problem on the board looks like it's written in a foreign language, ask about it. No matter what the subject is, no matter how "easy" everyone else says the material is, ask. You're not going to magically understand without asking for help. Don't be embarrassed to ask teachers for help. Chances are, they'll be really nice. They also literally get paid to answer your questions about schoolwork. It's their job. Your teachers are great. You'll probably stay in touch with and become friends with some of them after you graduate. Take advantage of that. Also, if you're struggling with anything else, whether it's anxiety or depression or an eating disorder or any other mental health issue, or even if it's just problems with friends, reach out. Don't keep it to yourself.

My advice: Asking for help isn't a sign of weakness.

I wish I wouldn't have taken friendships for granted.

It's fun being friends with a lot of people in high school. But it's even more fun to have deep, genuine friendships with a few people, rather than trying to know every single person and be everyone's best friend. That just doesn't work. Spend time with the people who genuinely care about you and want to be your friend. Some of those people might be your bridesmaids in your wedding one day. College comes up quickly and people disperse all over the country. Make an effort to keep those relationships in tact.

My advice: Quality is more important than quantity.

In summary, high school may not be the best years of your life and you may be ready to get out of there as fast as possible, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't enjoy it. You may be going through a hard time but that doesn't mean that you can't enjoy it. You may love high school and wish that you could be there forever. You may cry each time you think about graduating. But regardless of your thoughts surrounding your experience, create memories. Take pictures. Have fun. Laugh at yourself. Make mistakes. Learn. These will be the stories you tell your kids one day.

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