Gents, Here's What You CAN'T Get Your Girlfriend For Christmas, Period
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Gents, Here's What You CAN'T Get Your Girlfriend For Christmas, Period

Don't make these mistakes again.

Gents, Here's What You CAN'T Get Your Girlfriend For Christmas, Period
NBC Universal

Take it from me. There is nothing more painful than forcing a spectacular reaction to a sweet but cliché gift from your boyfriend. He’s so darn cute, but also, does he know how long I spent researching his favorite niche TV show for HIS personalized gift? Don’t get me wrong; he didn’t have to get me anything at all. But he definitely didn’t have to get me a heart necklace that costs more than my iPhone.

Well, not THIS Christmas. Surface level gifts are for Dirty Santa and friends that you really don’t know. Stalk her Pinterest, see who she follows on Instagram, pay attention to things she talks about more than once, it doesn’t matter how just give her something original.

Whatever you do, DON’T get her any of these.

1. The “She likes to smell good” Lotion

If you happen to stumble into a Bath and Body Works when looking for her gift don’t let the lavender fumes go to your head. She does not want some pretty lotion you found that smells like a Krispy Kreme Donut. We already have a daily regimen full of beauty products that we’ve been perfecting since puberty. It’s hard to trust new random products since the rash of 2011, so unless she explicitly says she wants a product just stay away.

Instead, try a candle

We love candles, but we’ll never really know why. I’m not talking just any kind of candle though. It needs to be a big, fat candle with at least 3 wicks. What girl doesn’t love to set things on fire and her room to smell like the inside of an Anthropologie?

2. The “So you know I ♥️ you necklace”

Don’t get me wrong we love a good piece of jewelry, but we don’t want an overpriced silver, infinity heart that literally wouldn’t work with any outfit. Would it hurt to have a little customization? And no, that does not mean a necklace with “Sarah” written in cursive.

Instead, try Etsy

Don’t wait until the last minute and browse Etsy for some fully customizable handmade jewelry. There is a HUGE community of jewelry makers that you can work with to make something cool just for her. There are also plenty of other cool custom gifts that you might not have even thought of.

3. Speaking of jewelry, rings.

Getting her a ring that isn’t an engagement ring is all around weird. If it is an engagement ring, do NOT give it to her for Christmas. It would be so annoying to share your engagement with the biggest (and most stressful) holiday.

Instead, try literally anything else

4. The “I know what your favorite show is” knick knack

What am I supposed to do with a "Rick and Morty" Pop figurine that sits on a shelf as it’s sole purpose in life? It’s neat, it’s thoughtful, but it serves no purpose. There’s a reason it didn’t end up on my Christmas list and that’s because it will be ending up in the trash after 3 years of feeling too bad to throw it away.

Instead, try a stuffed animal

If you want to get something cheesy at least get something we can cuddle. I mean it’s not ideal, but if it’s big we definitely won’t hate it. Extra points if it’s also a body pillow.

5. Make up

Do not and I mean DO NOT get her make up that you thought she might like. This gift takes research on trends, Instagram models, and most importantly what your girl already has in her arsenal. She will love makeup, but only if it’s the new Urban Decay eyeshadow palette that’s sold out in literally all stores. Tread with caution.

Instead, try bath bombs

Honestly, you should just toss bath bombs in with any Christmas gift you get her. When you give us a bath bomb you’re giving us relaxation.

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