What Gives You Happiness?
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What Gives You Happiness?

42 different people share what makes them happy.

What Gives You Happiness?
National Smile Week

Sometimes we take for granted the simple things in life and the slightest of gestures that make your heart warm. Over 40 different people happily told me what gives them the warm fuzzy's and here are the results:

1. "When someone I don't talk to much texts me, or even tags me in something on Facebook that reminds them of me! Oh and the reaction from my dogs when I walk in the door after a week of not seeing them"-Amanda M.

2. "Driving in my car ... listening to a great song. And paying attention to the world. I sat and watched birds flying in a group yesterday and it was like their movement was synchronized with the song. It was awesome. And when dad doesn't take my salted almonds." -Andrea R.

3. "Finding a dollar in my pants pocket."-Matt S.

4. "When my friend who I came to the hockey game with gets up between periods to go to the bathroom and comes back with beers."-Claire J.

5. "When I would run with Elliott (her dog), he would do this super cute thing when we'd go by tall (landscaping) grass....he would bite at it while he was running. He was so happy to bite at that those huge blades of grass! It still makes me smile when I think about it. His joy was my joy."-Regina R.

6. "When strangers smile at me, it makes the entire world seem more friendly."-Savannah K.

7. "Watching a daddy hold a baby. "-Jennifer M.

8. "Finding a penny heads up, when someone sends you music to listen to because it reminds them of you, when someone holds the door open for you deliberately, when you light a new candle for the first time, coming home from school to see my dog sleeping on my bed."-Katy L.

9. "Dogs. Puppies. Animals. The Blues doing activities with kids with cancer."-Julia W.

10. "Seeing my grandkids SMILE; spending time with my sister; hearing that special song; getting a sweet text from someone who missed me in class; watching the clouds drift by; a sunny day; the smell of Christmas or cinnamon; watching my two dogs play with the cat; getting encouragement from a friend; SMILES from strangers."-Sandye M.

11. "Compliments from little kids because you know they are being genuine!"-Allie M.

12. "When my pets jump into bed w me especially the little timid ones."-Sarah F.

13. "When people say thank you. Don't hear it as often as I'd like, but when I do, I love it."-Monica F.

14. "Cheese, the Blues winning, someone who I dont talk to much texting me to see if I'm okay. Also my nephews."-Kiersten B.

15. "When someone randomly compliments my outfit."-May B.

16. "Saturday morning, I'm the only one awake, I don't have to work, I have a cup of coffee and I'm doing the crossword puzzle!"-Joanie H.

17. "Random texts or phone calls from my family."-Haley H.

18. "Texts asking if you got home okay after being with friends or family."-Jenna E.

19. "Coffee dates with friends!"-Miranda C.

20. "Hearing "you're not bothering me."-Lauren D.

21. "When people smile at you as you walk by on campus."-Erika H.

22. "When you get into a bed with clean sheets right after a shower. :)"-Mo S.

23. "Taking off my bra after a long day bring me so much joy."-Julia P.

24. "Good morning texts."-Emily B.

25. "Anything brunch related Also when I come home from a night out and I get to put on sweatpants and eat snacks with friends."-Elena A.

26. "The first snowfall "-Kelsey W.

27. "So many things. Getting into a well made bed. Towels that smell like shaving cream bc Scott just shaved. Windows down, Radio up. When the weather is cool enough for jeans but warm enough for sandals. Open windows in my house. Being in the middle of a great book, far enough I love the characters but still enough left that I'm not sad that it will be over soon. Finding money I forgot about. Getting a letter in the mail. Surprise sticky notes that remind me that I am loved and spending a whole day being lazy outside with people that make me laugh!"-Julie C.

28. "The smell of a fresh sheet of ice first thing in the morning. The sound your skates make when they cut the ice."-Scott K.

29. "When you go to pay for your Starbucks & the car ahead of you has paid for you already."-Lindsay H.

30. "When you get a surprise, out of blue phone call from one of the kids. Cause they just wanna visit. 😍"-Linda F.

31. "Queso dip...."-Sarah K.

32. "Puppies."-Sami B.

33. "Clean sheets fresh out of the dryer."-Samantha L.

34. "Sleeping in😴 or having time for naps during the day."-Diane V.

35. "How excited my dog gets every single time I come home, whether it's been five minutes or a week. Also Buzzfeed's 'dog a day' emails and the fact that a large portion of the featured dogs are adoptable from shelters around the country. Puppies in general. Long drives in the middle of nowhere. Late nights talks. People that make sure you get home okay and people that sincerely wish you a good day. "-Tory C.

36. "Waking up to DADDY!!! Come get me!! And snuggle all the way downstairs "-Rich H.

37. "Random hugs or a pat on the shoulder from someone who doesn't regularly do those things."-Jordan E.

38. "Seeing my mom after a long week, being complimented on a project you spent weeks working on, military homecoming videos, watching F•R•I•E•N•D•S, looking through old photo albums, just Disney World lol"-Jennifer W.

39. "Seeing your girlfriend for the first time of the day, hearing her laugh, or seeing her smile."-Timothy L.

40. "When my cats snuggle up to me. Having a person I've met only once or twice recognize me on campus and stop to talk to me or even just say hello. Getting home after a trip/vacation and smelling your familiar house scent. A stranger holding the door open for me."-Abby L.

41. "Babies!!"-Mary K.

42. "Going home to see my dog. When my mom randomly texts me pictures of my dog while I'm at school." MK H.

The world can be cruel, and the daily hustle and bustle can become monotonous, but it's the simple things that keep us going and the littlest acts of kindness that have the biggest impact on someone's life sometimes. Be kind always and remember that there is good in the world.

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