Fairchild hall is deemed the "International Hall" of the University of New Hampshire. Sometimes when I mention I live in Fairchild people say "Isn't that the international dorm?" like they are confused why I as a domestic student live there. Truth is, the majority of the students are domestic students, but there is a large number of international students as well. The combination makes for an interesting and unique living environment. Everyone is a little bit different and there are a lot of different cultures an opinions under one roof. Here is what it's really like living in the international dorm:
You get to eat really good food.
Going to the dining hall is an activity that decreases substantially when you have friends cooking good food all the time, you are always going with someone to a cultural club with free food included or eating leftovers brought back to the dorm after a club. In November after we host the International Food Luncheon there are leftovers for weeks.
You hear foreign languages in the hallway.
There is something comforting I feel walking down the hallway and hearing someone having a conversation in another language. It kinda sounds like poetry in a way. It's like walking down the hallway and having poetry read to you. Okay maybe not everyone feels that way but it's kind of fun greeting your friends with an Arabic word you all know even though its the only word some of us know in Arabic.
Everyone here is smart.
This may not be the honors dorm but I am constantly surrounded by motivated and passionate students who sacrificed a lot to be here.
The lounge is always active.
Fairchild has one of the most lively lounges out of all the dorms I've been to. People are playing games, watching TV, hanging out and studying, and movie nights are a classic event.
We love the diversity.
We have students from, New Hampshire, the midwest, the west coast, the middle east and the other side of the world. Everyone feels a bit more unique in this environment and we all get to learn about each other. Plus we get invites to stay with friends in foreign countries which is awesome.
You get to shower in clean showers.
Our bathrooms are clean, our rooms are big, and our hallways are pretty.
You get to be a part of the New Quad.
It's the best quad on campus. Also the only real quad.
You get a family.
This is a small building. It's pretty intimate and sure everyone knows your secrets, but no one judges you (that much). We pretty much understand that we are all a bit different but we wouldn't have it any other way.