From around May of this year to this past Sunday, I had been contemplating spending what little money I have on a concert ticket. This concert ticket would have been decently close to the stage. But I decided that no matter how much I loved A Great Big World (my favorite band), Matt Nathanson and Phillip Phillips, I shouldn't spend my money.
On Sunday July 31, I tweeted at my fellow Rockstars (the fanbase name for A Great big World) that I was so upset I couldn't go. They all tried to see what Chian (Chad and Ian) could do about it. Someone mentioned that I should try Phillip's Twitter contest, the one where he'll say tweet #PPLIVE and then he gives out two free tickets. I had already been planning to do that, but it was hard to figure out. I was at work after Phillips started the contest, so I had to sneak my phone and try my hardest. I didn't even know when I was getting off work that night, so even if I had won, would I even be able to get off work?
Then around four o'clock, I was able to check my phone for a quick minute. I saw that I had a direct message from Phillip Phillips himself telling me that I won the contest!!
Y'all, I was so excited that I couldn't even spell his name correctly. Phillips was my favorite "American Idol" winner (besides Kelly Clarkson, let's be real), so I was freaking the heck out. Like I said, I had been trying to see this guy for years! I actually physically own both of his CDs, not just downloaded onto my phone.
I was able to leave work without a problem, I found someone to go to the concert with me, and I stopped by home where my mother was freaking out because she, too, was a big Phillips fan. I would have taken my mother but she's handicapped, so it's super hard for her to really go anywhere in public, let alone a concert. She said that if I got to meet him to get a video of him saying "Hi, Mom!" because she's southern and likes everyone to call her "Mom." I told her that it wasn't going to happen--I didn't even know where the seats were, I doubt there would be meet and greets.
So Kaleigh and I get to the venue and pick up our tickets from will call. On the envelope is a note telling us where to go for a meet and greet with Phillip Phillips! Then, I see where the tickets are, and I'm freaking out because winning these types of contests just don't happen, and yet, there I was! It was so amazing.
Soon enough, A Great Big World went on and I jammed out to all of their songs like I always do. Since they were openers, I knew their set would be the shortest, but they played a lot of my favorites, including a Beatles song! (Anyone who knows me knows that my two favorite bands are A Great Big World and the Beatles, so I was low key freaking out even more.) After their set, they were doing meet and greets so I got to be reunited again with Chian--I had previously met them in March--and it was so, so great.
Matt Nathanson was next, and I wasn't too sure about him. I thought I was only going to know one song by him, but it turned out that I knew all but one! He is SUPER hilarious and a very sexy dancer. For anyone who's contemplating seeing Matt Nathanson, definitely go; it will be well worth your money! Kaleigh had actually bought a shirt and scored a meet and greet wristband, so after the show, we were able to meet him, too! He's such a sweetheart.
By this point it was around 9 PM and a storm was heading our way. I was nervous that Phillips' set wasn't going to happen and that the meet and greet wouldn't happen, either. The crew switched sets super quick and Phillips came out and him and his band shredded and it was honestly such a great rock show! It was drizzling a little bit and the band had to cut the set short--I think he was only on stage for 40 minutes compared to the almost 80 minutes that Nathanson was on. But the meet and greet still happened and it was one of the most exciting things that's ever happened to me. When I asked him to record a video for my mother, explaining that she's handicapped, he literally just took my phone and then this amazingness happened:
Winning this contest and meeting and seeing all of the performers was honestly a dream come true. I woke up the next morning and texted Kaleigh asking if the previous night actually happened. While I wish I had more videos to watch, I'm glad that I just enjoyed the concert and experience. I can't even begin to say how lucky I am for this experience.
To anyone who doesn't want to enter contests because you know that you "won't win," don't give up hope! You never truly know what will come of it!