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Trump's America?

Welcome To The Institution

Is Trump's America that racist or have we always had this problem?

It seems as if Donald Trump is the cause of shock and pity for many within the US. Humanity is being questioned with no remorse and tears are raining down like families have been sentenced to the morgue. People are protesting Trump as president. The bigotry from this man himself during his candidacy was more than enough ignorance for a lifetime. But we have to ask ourselves, where does this type of person come from? They don’t just appear overnight. It was not too long along that people were being lynched simply for walking to the store. Now fast forward to today and we have police harassing civilians in their own neighborhoods. It's time to come to a rational conclusion folks. America has always had this nasty chip of racial prejudices on its shoulder.

Everyone seems to be shocked that a portion of this great nation's population is racist. If anyone has been keeping a close look at this young republic's transcript you'd see that its only been about 50 years since the civil rights movement and just over a century since President Lincoln "freed" Black America. It must be this historical amnesia that has everyone so afraid. But if we pay close attention to history we'll see, like we have always been told, that history repeats itself. Now the sea is always calm before the storm and if we don't focus on achievement of a better future as a whole, we will destroy ourselves.

What was it that made America so great?

And I mean this genuinely. We were and still are the melting pot of the world and it seems that no one wants to put in the effort to let theses cultures blend tastefully. We've pulled funding from schools to prioritize on foreign campaigns, burned down growing cities because of racial tension and rejected refugees because we misunderstand their beliefs, all while the media hypes up misleading stereotypes of every ethnicity they lay hands on.

Is this the America, the United States, that was meant to be?

The United States of America is defined by WE the people. Those who inhabit the very land we all stand on. Therefore, every last opinion should matter, as of late it is not the case. The cast of Hamilton has received backlash simply for addressing Vice-President-elect Mike Pence, on the fact that there are American citizens who are concerned with the agenda of those assuming control. They were told to apologize, and to stay out of politics because they are "just" actors. I strongly disagree with this nonsense. As an American citizen with the right of freedom of speech, so long as no one is ignorantly attacking someone, say what you must. As an American citizen it is your right to critique. As a child of the idealism called freedom we the American people are not limited to our professions (i.e.. Trump). As a child of this Great Nation expressing your concerns should be accepted without resistance and foul attitudes.

But then again I'm "just" a college student. Maybe I should keep my head in my books and my thoughts to myself....

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