I am subscribed to the "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" YouTube channel, and it is one of the best YouTube decisions I have made. Each Monday morning, I get a video in my subscription feed on an important topic in society presented in a comedic way. John Oliver, the host of the HBO show, presents on different topics that pertain to society and pop culture, concluding with a "main story" every show. This story is the one that is posted on the "Last Week Tonight" YouTube channel. These stories range from social justice issues to athletics to government to stuff everybody should probably know. Here is a list of "Last Week Tonight" videos I think you should watch and why. (Discalimer: These videos are in order from oldest to newest, and all videos were posted within the last year. Also, there is swearing in the videos, just to be aware.)
1. Fashion
This video talks about how trendy clothing at stores like H&M and Forever 21 are made, which is not a great thing. There are some surprising facts and Oliver lays out what exactly goes into making trendy clothing, including being made in other countries in sweatshops.
2. Standardized Testing
This video talks about the amount of testing that happens in American schools. Oliver talks about how standardized testing may not be helping the youths in the United States.
3. Fifa II
This video is very athletic-specific, but I found it to be a very interesting view. This video is an update on an earlier video that Oliver did about FIFA. For someone who didn't know much about this organization, this video was informative about a nonprofit that is seriously corrupt.
4. Transgender Rights
This video illustrates the challenges that transgender people face in today's society. While there have been strides made to better how the transgender community is treated, there are still obstacles they face every day. This video is very interesting and a video I think everyone should watch.
5. Stadiums
Another athletic-centered video, but one that was a little shocking the first time I watched it. So much money goes into sports stadiums, it's scary.
6. Washington DC Statehood
This video about Washington DC is very enlightening. If you want to learn more about our country's capital, this is a good video to watch. This video explains how our country's capital gets screwed in the government because it's not a state. A definite must-watch.
7. Sex Education
I know people are going to disagree with me, but hear me out. Sex education is important. But there are no standards in this country for how to teach it. Oliver talks about the importance of sex ed and why it should be taught in schools. A must-watch!
8. LGBT Discrimination
This is another important video about social issues in our country. Oliver discusses why we need a federal anti-discrimination law.
9. Prisoner Re-entry
This video talks about our country's justice system. There are other videos that Oliver outlines in the beginning minute of the video that follows the same line of thought. Oliver discusses the obstacles that prisoners face once they leave prison.
10. Donald Trump
This video has over 27 million views, and for good reason. This video was published near the beginning of the presidential campaign. It's hilarious and informative and pokes fun at Trump. What more could I ask for?
11. Puerto Rico
This video is very informative about Puerto Rico, a place I didn't know much about until watching this video. This video is great, not only because Lin-Manuel Miranda is in it, but because it outlines Puerto Rico's debt, and how America could help.
12. Scientific Studies
This video made me question the data that I read or hear about in conversations. Not everything we hear on the news dealing with scientific studies is necessarily true, because they can be reported out of context or there are no other studies on the subject.
13. 911
This video is so important because it talks about the 911 system and how it is not up to par. This is a must-watch in my opinion.
14. Debt Buyers
This video is so important. Oliver talks about how companies buy up debt for pennies on the dollar and collect aggressively. This is important for everyone to watch. Also, there is the largest one-time television giveaway in history!
15. Brexit
This video, the most recent on this list, talks about Brexit, the possible exit of the United Kingdom from the EU, before the vote. There is a lot of important information that is now applicable to the "Brexit" that has occured.
If you want to check out more videos on different topics, click https://www.youtube.com/user/LastWeekTonight to go to the "Last Week Tonight" YouTube.