As May goes on, Trump is the last Republican standing and Clinton is coming close to securing the Democratic nomination, Americans are facing thousands of questions. The biggest one: Who do I vote for in November, Trump or Clinton? In something so important as this you need to be asking the right questions. The real question should be: Why do have to choose between them? Now if you support them for who they are, fantastic! If you're only supporting them because they're most likely going to be on the ballot then we have a problem. If you think Jeb Bush is best suited for the job then why don't you vote for him? You shouldn't have to vote for Trump because he's the last candidate in the Republican party. You should only vote for Trump if you think he's best suited, not because he has the best chance of winning. These parties make us choose between two people, but why should you be forced to vote for them?
I personally am an Independent and dislike both Trump and Clinton, so I don't see why I have to choose between two candidates I don't like. These people are running our country for the next four years. They are the commander and chief of our nation. For something so important I shouldn't be settling for someone that I think is second best. We, as the people of this country, need to stop voting along party lines and start voting for who you think is be suited for the job.
When it comes to November, I will be voting for Bernie Sanders, whether his name is printed on the ballot or I have to write it in. I'm not bothered by the fact that he's most likely not going to win, I'll feel good about myself knowing that I chose the right person in my own opinion. It doesn't matter if the Democratic Party will most likely choose Clinton. Just because Bernie won't be in as the Democratic nominee doesn't mean I will just automatic start voting for Clinton. It shouldn't work like that.
This isn't about me endorsing Bernie Sanders, it's about making sure that you make up your own mind when November rolls around. Supported Cruz? Kasich? Bush? Fiona? If you think they're the best person to be president, then why are you going to vote for Trump just because he's the Republican nominee? It makes no sense. The only reason you should be voting for either Trump or Clinton is if you think they're the best candidate. Think your Aunt Sally is the best person for president? Great! Then vote for her in November! America needs to stop letting the parties choose for us. We to stand together against the parties instead of letting them divided us. Be Independent and learn to voice your own opinion, not parrot the party's opinion.